By Subject
5575 messages sorted by:
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[ thread ]
Starting: Sun Sep 30 2001 - 23:04:22 MDT
Ending: Mon Dec 31 2001 - 22:14:01 MST
- "...Death is an evil" (Sappho 630 BC)
- "A Call to the Muslims of the World"
- "Cloning Breakthrough " not one)
- "Cloning Breakthrough" not one
- "Cloning Breakthrough" not one)
- "Cloning Breakthrough"not one)
- "CloningBreakthrough" not one)
- "Epicycles": How Islam Won, and Lost, the Lead in Science
- "Fascinating," said Mr. Spock...
- "Fortune"s of "war"
- "Human Nature" vs. Neutral System
- "IT" (Ginger) to be revealed on Monday 12/3
- "Non-sensory experiences"
- "open borders" and extropy
- "Posthuman" Delusion
- "Robots Rising"
- "Supergerms" feared
- "Who Do We Think We Are?"
- 'exi-liberty' list created
- 'If you hate the West, emigrate to a Muslim country'
- 'Supergerms' feared
- (fwd) Soymilk reduces hair growth
- (no subject)
- (||Universe) Notes on Economical System
- ...Death is an evil (Sappho 630 BC)
- 100% biostasis delicious(online news)!!
- 2001 Ig Nobel Awards) (fwd)
- 4'th update on food satiation experiments
- 48'th update on fly longevity experiments
- 49'th update on fly longevity experiments
- 50'th update of fly longevity experiments
- 51'st update on fly longevity experiments
- 52'nd update on fly longevity experiments
- 53'rd update on fly longevity experiments
- 54'th update on fly longevity experiments
- 55'th update on fly longevity experiments
- 9-11 Narco-Interrogation & Torture
- >H "...Death is an evil" (Sappho 630 BC)
- >H CFP: Heterodox Economics Conference
- >H superconsciousness
- [...] 'Casteding
- [Fwd: [thecircle] Chomsky speaking on Thursday (OT)]
- [Fwd: Binnie: Mea Culpa]
- [Fwd: Bubonic Plague]
- [Fwd: Chomsky]
- [Fwd: Cloning Story]
- [Fwd: Jaron on 9/11]
- [Fwd: Letter to Economist Editor: "Is that IT?"]
- [Fwd: The Development of Political and Legal Systems in MMORPGs]
- [Fwd: Using Hope to motivate dogs]
- [msal-politics] Defining "rationality"
- [msal-tech] Global Mind Link NOT totalitarian collective
- [msal-tech] Unpredictability in self-recursive systems
- [NANO] Nanoprisms Could be Used to Detect Biological Weapons
- [time-space] welcome to.....
- [UltraHIQ] Update/HIQ & A
- _Emergence_
- `genetic engineering', not
- `Religiosity' /= `religion'... or does it?
- A _Rare Earth_ review
- A _Rare Earth_ review (was: Scientific American article on GHZ)
- A Bioethical Foundation for Human Rights
- A Bleak Projection (crossposted from the Virus List)
- A book list for today's renaissance human
- A Classical Humanist Worldview
- A Disgusting Event
- A History of Folly
- A Mind and No Body
- A New Glow
- A New Low
- A New Ontario
- A Positional Scale is Needed for Transhumanists (Was: The Politics of Dancing)
- A question of Web entropy
- A question to Daniel Ust
- A Quick and Dirty Introduction to Staying Alive
- A real Quantum Computer
- A Refreshing Change - Sort of...
- A renaissance for civil defense?
- A response to Rafal Smigrodzki, Part 1
- A response to Rafal Smigrodzki, Part 2
- A response to Rafal Smigrodzki, Part 3
- A space charge model for electrophonic bursters
- A Supercomputer for $6,000 (plus ultra-wideband wireless)
- abm test
- ABM test tonight
- Accelerating Universe?
- Ad Hominem? I think not.
- Ad hominem? I think not. (with addendum)
- Adaptive Intelligence Inc - Incubation
- Afgahn Photographs
- afghanistan & poland
- Afghanistan after the war
- Afghanistan after the war)
- after all that bullshit about ad hominems, here we go again?
- Aging & Brain Plasticity: some good news
- Aging isn't a disease
- Aging isn't a disease)
- Aging isn't a disease))
- AGING: reversal of neuron functional declines
- AGING: SAGE KE = New AAAS site on aging research
- AGING: telomerase loss and dyskeratosis congenita
- AI - Ranks, Rights and Responsibilities
- AI: State of The Union Message Tonight
- Aid for Afghanistan
- Aid for Afghanistan's
- Al Qaida's master plan
- Altruism
- ambient traffic levels for a life extension site
- America's Disgraceful History Of Military "Trials"
- America's Secret Weapon -- Network-centric warfare
- America's Secret Weapon -- Network-centric warfare (Business 2.0)
- American "imperialism"
- Americans' Life Expectancy Reaches New Highs
- An Analysis of Afghan Action Scenarios Forwarded from the Virus List
- An apology to Brian Williams
- An Aussie newspaper opinion piece favors therapeutic cloning
- Anatomy of A Eureka! Moment
- Anders on the ethics of using weapons of mass destruction
- Another link from a former Muslim
- Another nonexcludable nonrival essay.
- Another PayPal sux page.
- Another Step Closer to Artificial Intelligence
- Another view on bin Laden
- Anthrax Addendum
- Anthrax addendum.
- Anthrax addendum. IMPORTANT
- Anthrax addendum.)
- Anthrax addendum.)y
- Anthrax and God
- Anthrax and Ionisers ?
- anthrax detection on the cheap...
- Anthrax linked to 911and Bin Laden
- Anthrax research and treatments
- ANTHRAX: progress on treatments
- anthropic conference
- anti-net
- Anticipatory backfire
- ants again
- apology
- Apology for Brian D Williams
- Arm the Afghan Women!
- Art of the Jovian Dust Streams
- Art of the Jovian Dust Streams URL Oops
- Arthur C. Clarke on "Human Nature"
- article: "Silicon Valley's next boom could be profitably patriotic"
- article: "Silicon Valley's next boom could be profitablypatriotic"
- ARTICLE: Covery Story - "Your Future in Art"
- ARTICLE: Covery Story - "Your Future is Art"
- Artificial General Intelligence Workshops
- Artificial Intelligence in Afghanistan
- artificial viral vector
- ARTS: Extropic Ken Greenberg Exhibition
- assassinations
- Astrobiology journal online
- Atheists Tune in 'God Bless America'
- Atmosphere detected on distant [exosolar] planet
- Attotechnology
- autonomic computing enabling the future
- Autonomic Computing, Questions and Answers
- Back from China
- Back to the Dark Ages: Feds want torture
- ballistic subterranean trains
- Basic smallpox scenario
- Baylor Jihad
- BBC - clockwork warfare
- BBC social affairs article
- be patriotic, ladies....;)
- Be prepared: A more memorable formulation, and funny.
- Be prepared: four practices
- Beamer
- Beamer & Higgs
- Beauty lies in the brain of the beholder
- BEC-matter-antimatter propulsion
- Behaviourism / Cognitivism (fwd)
- Being more with less (Was: the waves of immigration)
- Big government for what
- Bin Laden says he has nukes
- Bin Ladin song
- Binnie's next trick.
- BIO: MicroRNAs, "a whole new gene class"
- bioethicists: cloning not wrong
- Bioheart Inc.
- Biological warfare news?
- BIOLOGY: Survival rate for blastocysts
- Biotech Fantasy (a song)
- BIOTECH: Cloning now legal in England
- BIOTECH: Firm says it created human embryo through cloning
- BIOTECH: SciAm article by Michael West on therapeutic human cloning
- BIOTERRORISM: An Inside Job?
- BIOTERRORISM: Our heads in the sand...
- BIOTERRORISM: Our heads in the sand...)
- BIOTERRORISM: possibly missing smallpox samples?
- Biowar link
- Biowar link)
- bird strikes
- BIZ: Extropic perspectives on business, my papers on Amazon.com
- BOOK: _Emergence_
- BOOK: Brave New Brain
- BOOK: Evolutionary Origins of Morality
- BOOK: High Techne
- BOOK: Seven Simple Steps to Personnal Freedom
- BOOK: The Mystery of Capital
- BOOK: The Mystery of Capital]
- BOOKS: Creative Destruction
- BOOKS: Cyborg Citizen & Resisting the Virtual Live
- BOOKS: How to Win Every Argument
- BOOKS: Letters to a young Contrarian
- BOOKS: Options for discussion
- BOOKS: Religion Explained by Pascal Boyer
- BOOKS: Small Spaces
- BOOKS: The Physics of Information Technology
- Bose-Einstein condensate:100th Nobel Prize
- Bose-Einstein on a chip
- Brain Fingerprinting: Identifying Incorrect Thinking
- Brave New Brain
- Breathtaking Leonids
- Bring on da' Big Mac's
- Britain's Dossier of Evidence Against bin Ladin and the Taliban
- Britain's Dossier of Evidence Against bin Ladin and theTaliban
- British democracy in 1812 and freedom indices (was WAR: appropriate first use (was: If we do get Afghanistan...))
- Broderick on Changesurfer Radio
- Bubonic Plague]
- Bush Bans Cloning
- Cancer Article: Detailed, Optimistic & Readable
- Cards and Permits
- cartogram
- Censorware Article In November Playboy
- CFP: Heterodox Economics Conference
- Charles Platt on the Timeship's marketability
- Chinese Taliban Fighters Killed?
- Chomsky
- Chomsky (was: Christopher Hitchens' Column)
- Chomsky and evolved language circuitry
- Christopher Hitchens' Column
- Citizenship in any form
- Clones are OK
- CLONING: Lee Silver on Charlie Rose
- CLONING: The plot thickens
- CLONING: The plot thickens...
- Cloning: Update
- coffee break
- Colorblindness
- Comic eduganda
- Complexity Science Speakers needed for lecture series
- COMPUTING: optical interconnects get real
- CONC: META: list going to the dogs, again, lala
- Concrete boats and spaceships....
- Confirmed Case of Anthrax in Florida
- Conflict:Predicting Cvil War
- Congratulations to Jessica Lemler and James Sikes
- Conspiracies (was: Anthrax addendum)
- Continuity check
- Controlling Devices By Thought Alone
- Corporate entities
- correction Fermi 2
- Could this be IT?
- Could this be IT? (applications?)
- Cover Ops history.
- Created Equal (Was: Local Groups Wanted)
- Creating wealth
- Creating Wealth (was: When is an MP3 file like a lighthouse.)
- Creating Wealth -- a modest correction
- Creating Wealth -- a modest proposal
- Creative Machine Intelligence
- Crossings eConference on Eduardo Kac
- CRYO: URL Article 'Family freezes patriarch's body'
- cryofans, check this
- CryoFeast 2001 UPdate
- Cryonicist/NYPD officer killed due to WTC attack
- Cryonics -winning over a mate
- cryonics in Popular Mechanics
- Cryonics: legal questions ?
- Curse you, Eric Drexler
- Cyborg Dreams on Background Briefing
- Cyborg Dreams on Background Briefing)
- Cyborg Dreams on Background Briefing]
- damien's tunnels
- Daniel Dennett-Edge.org
- Dat Ol' Debbil Sun
- Data reconstruction (was Dithering)
- David Brin's Kiln People
- DC-tag and cancer cures
- Death of Democracy
- Debunking Economics
- Declare war on Leon Kass, not each other
- Decyphering lies
- defending nukeplants
- Defending Peacetime
- Defining "rationality"
- Democracy held hostage
- Democracy: The God That Failed by Hans-Hermann Hoppe
- Detecting nuclear weapons
- Detox: How To Cure Theism
- Diabetes Cure?
- Die, fat boy!
- Direct neuron interface via quantum dots
- Disruptions and Technology-NY Times
- Dithering
- DNB and Jungle
- Doing more with less
- doubling time and singularity
- Down With Democracy?
- Down With Democracy?)
- Dropping the Bomb: Why the US government used its weapons of mass destruction on Japanese civilians
- Drug Discovery Online article on neural stem cells
- drum-kits
- Dumping
- Dumping (was: Local Groups Wanted!)
- Dusty Trails Educational Fun
- E X P O N E N T --December 2001 Members Newsletter
- e-z leaker
- ECI, ICI (excitatory culture impulse)
- ECO: Doing Everything Wrong
- ECO: Inflation Vs. Deflation: The Evidence So Far
- ECON: "wired to the market"
- ECON: Blind seers
- ECON: Expert Loves Optimal Robotics
- ECON: First, Do No Harm
- ECON: Russia coming around?
- Economics, posthumanity, and self-replication (was: MORALITY)
- Economist on the fearsome implications of life extension
- effect of O2 concentrations on stem cells
- el duende
- Eliezer on the ethics of using weapons of mass destruction
- ELIEZER(thanks!) on the ethics of using weapons of mass destruction...
- elite team of Pigdog assault journalists tackles Seth "SETI" Shostak
- emergent art form
- Energy -- "real" needs
- Energy and "the Clash of Civilizations" -- a policy thought p roblem
- Energy and "the Clash of Civilizations" -- a policy thought problem
- Energy and "the Clash of Civilizations" -- a policy thoughtpr oblem
- Energy and "the Clash of Civilizations" -- a policy thoughtproblem
- Energy and "the Clash of Civilizations" ERRATA
- epitath
- Essay critical of transhumanism
- ET: Scientific American article on GHZ
- Europa, panspermia, exo-bacteria
- european math geek parties
- EVENTS: Dec. 2 "Walk For Capitalism" world wide
- Evidence that we are already post-human!
- EVOLUTION: Meteors and Early Civilizations
- Evolutionary psych explanations & jealousy etc
- Excerpts from "Software, Property & Human Civilization"
- ExI Newsletter: EXPONENT !
- ExI Website undergoing changes -- forgot to set the bgcolor in the body tag...
- ExI Website updated December 23
- ExI: Announcing Extropy Institute's Transhumanist FAQ version 0.7
- ExI: Announcing Extropy Institute's Transhumanist FAQ version0.7
- EXI: ExI Website undergoing changes
- EXI: What can we do for you?
- Existentialism
- Exmas
- exo-bacteria, panspermia, etc.
- EXPONENT: META: Let's be clear about the ad hominem rule
- EXTREMISTS: Wahhabism
- Extro-6
- Extro-6 and the ALCOR Conference...
- Extropian anti-terrorism
- extropian archives
- Extropian handshake
- Extropian spin-doctors needed!
- extropians-digest V6 #285
- extropians-digest V6 #288
- extropians-digest V6 #292
- extropians-digest V6 #325
- extropians-digest V6 #349
- Extropy
- Fall 2001 Journal of Ayn Rand Studies is Here!
- Falwell-Robertson-Bin Laden Quiz
- Fermi's Paradox 2
- fighting Anthrax w/ Dr. Strangelove
- Finding Bin Laden
- First Adult Human Cloning (For Embryonic Stem Cells)
- first line of defense
- First, most markets are not free (was "Where we lost America")
- FLYING: Still think they are secure now?
- Flynn effect and CNN
- Folding and more @Homes
- folding proteins at your house
- Folding@home 2.0
- Folding@home 2.0)
- Following the Script by Joseph Sobran
- Food Additive Extends Life Of Fruit Flies By 15 Percen
- Forget Afghanistan... What Should We Do With Pakistan?
- Forget Vanilla Sky, and go see A Beautiful Mind!
- Forgotten memory
- Franken-China
- Frankfurt Book Fair
- free enterprise: privately funded company clones human embryo
- Free money transfers among the slaves of Allah
- Free money transfers among the slaves of Allah [Fwd: Hawala]
- Free SCIENCEWEEK student subscriptions
- Freedom Reigns in Kabul
- Freethinkers & Atheists of Virginia
- Friendly AI Out of Control?
- FROM - MAILER DAEMON grzybnia @ grzybnia.pl
- future technology as animism
- FWD (forteana) The Ziff-Davis Guide To Britishers (and other foreigners)
- FWD (Got Caliche?) 'Culture Clash'
- FWD (IUFO NEWS) A Compilation of Evidence and Comments on the Source of the Mailed Anthrax
- FWD (SK) Linux continues onward march in land of its birth
- FWD (UASR) Anomalous Meteor Phenomena
- FWD (UASR) Leonids: Imperfect Storm 'Casting
- FWD [forteana] [More steganography] Hidden web codes could be linked to Bin Laden
- FWD [forteana] [More steganography] Hidden web codes could be linked to Bin Laden)
- FWD [forteana] [More steganography] Hidden webcodes could be linked to Bin Laden)
- FWD [forteana] [More steganography] Hiddenwebcodes could be linked to Bin Laden)
- FWD [forteana] Dreams & Lies (videotape of bin Laden)
- FWD [forteana] Eric Frank Russell, fortean
- fwd A trillion computers in a drop of water
- Fwd: A question of Web entropy
- Fwd: American Computer Attacked
- Fwd: Anthrax backgrounder
- Fwd: Confronting the Mob
- Fwd: Debunking Economics
- Fwd: Dumb, Dumb, Duh Dumb
- Fwd: Gamers Blow bin Laden Away
- Fwd: Is it time for a 21st-century Ark?
- FWD: Jaron on 9/11
- FWD: Jaron on 9/11)
- Fwd: Lanier essay of 2001.12.04
- Fwd: Lanier essay of 2001.12.04)
- Fwd: Lanier essay of 2001.12.04]
- Fwd: Levitating cars above freeways
- FWD: Nanotech Planet conference
- Fwd: Op-Ed piece on consumerism and values
- Fwd: Post-autistic Economics
- Fwd: Pushing our buttons
- Fwd: Race relations get a scientific twist
- Fwd: Secrecy foe scrubs data on Interne
- Fwd: Seizing tomorrow
- Fwd: Society for Empirical Ethics
- Fwd: Sousveillance
- Fwd: The Geek Syndrome
- Fwd: The Long Now Foundation
- gain or pain
- GAME: Bin Laden's Liquor Store
- Gene-engineer superhumans?
- Generations in America
- Generations in America (was: Immigration)
- Getting Better All The Time: The Economist's Technology & Development Survey
- Getting bounces sending to extropians@extropy.org
- Gifts of Wonder
- ginagram
- ginagrams
- ginagrams to spike66@attglobal.net
- Global Mind Link NOT totalitarian collective
- God responds to Hawking
- Good articles on bioinformatics, future medicine, speech interfaces
- Google bends for feds (fwd)
- government vs. market again
- Green goo scaffolding?
- GRRR Vent Vent.
- GRRR Vent Vent.)
- Gun launched orbital systems
- Guys, take it easy on Sam. She IS an Extropian.
- Hal Finney's optimal-production argument
- Happy Halloween ...!
- Happy New Year to all
- hate and extropianism
- HAYEK: Rummel and some future seminars
- Head Jobs
- HEALTH/AGING: Take your CoQ10
- HEALTH/CRAN: Marijuana-Like Chemical May Provide Treatment for Obesity
- HEALTH/SCIENCE: Gene patents under fire, new genomes & bioterrorism
- HEALTH: Hearts kept alive outside the body
- Hearing Meteors?
- Heh Heh Heh
- Hello
- Hello from John in Alaska
- Hello from John in Alaska)
- Hello)
- Here's a new paper
- Hey, I don't want it to be true, either
- Hi-Tech Anti-Terrorism
- Hiroshima and Nagasaki
- Hiroshima and Nagasaki was ( If we do get Afghanistan, what shall we do with it?)
- Hofstede (Was: The Mystery of Capital)
- Holiday quotations for inspiration and fun
- Homeotics)
- Homerian epics (was: French culture and extropianism)
- Honig/realist SR-QM/photexes etc
- How do we rise to the challenge of statism?
- how shall the singularity take off?
- http://www.newscientist.com/news/news.jsp?id=ns99991679
- http://www.paypalwarning.com
- human life in space
- Human Life Span Will Continue to Increase, Researchers Suggest
- Humans doomed without space colonies, says Hawking
- Humor: Dr. Jerry Lemler's 34 points for ALCOR
- HUMOR: Dr. Lemler's 34 points to better ALCOR
- HUMOR: Eliezer can now sleep at night
- HUMOUR: quantum head job
- HUMOUR: those quantum boxes
- I quoted this before, but it bears repeating.
- I was wrong...
- I will shut up
- IBM's Blue Sky "Self-Sufficient" Computer
- IDENTITY- Max's taxonomy
- IDENTITY- What it means to be 'me'
- IDENTITY-What it means to be 'me'
- If it's news, it's hooey
- If we do get Afghanistan, what do we do with it?
- If we do get Afghanistan, what shall we do with it?
- Immigration
- immigration [was Transhumanist Faq...]
- Imperfect Knowledge, Imperfect Economists & Imperfect Nobel Committees - G Epstein
- In a Time of Terror, Protest Is Patriotism
- Infinite Justice Liquidation Sale
- Info needed: current state of cryonics
- Intelligence enhancement (was: Selfish Reason To Preserve Chimps)
- Intelligence enhancement)
- Interesting forum
- interesting new cancer treatment
- interesting Reason article: criminalizing science
- Interesting Solar PV wiring patent...
- Interview for all Extropians
- interview formatting troubles(?)
- interviews now published online
- introduction
- Investing in renewable energy
- IP: "Brain fingerprinting" (fwd)
- IP: Project eLiza (yes this is Mark . . . <g>) (fwd)
- IP: XCOR Aerospace - world's first private rocket-plane flies atMojave! (fwd)
- Iran pushes for nanotech
- Is "war against terrorism" less entropic than most?
- Is it terrorism?
- Islam in the Mix (now for someting completely different!)
- Islamic view on cloning
- IT Business Expo in a major American city
- its miller tiiiiiiime...
- its miller tiiiime
- j. crew rip-stop airbus
- Jupiter's L1
- Just semantics)
- Ken Macleod: Pamphlet on the Human Genome
- Ken McLeod
- Kevin Mitnick and Michio Kaku on Art Bell
- Kewel. New additions to RC's "What Now?"
- kickbacks and bribes
- Killing off anthrax (and anything else)
- kinetic and data interstructure modification(s)
- King's Ransom: How vulnerable are the Saudi royals?
- Knowing the people, and clearing one's mind
- Koran: incomprehensible verses?
- Kurweil's Proposal
- Kurzweil & co.
- L.A. Times article on XCOR rocket plane
- LANG: Haskell?
- Lanier essay of 2001.12.04
- Lanier essay of 2001.12.04]
- LANL Abstract: Comparison of cosmological models using Bayesian theory
- LANL Abstract: On the Maximal Quantity of Processed Information in the Physical Eschatological Context
- LANL Abstract: On the Nature of Stars with Planets
- LANL Abstract: on the Use of Antimatter as a Power Source by Extraterrestrial Civilizations
- LANL Abstract: Self Organization of Edge and Internal Pedestals in a Sandpile
- LANL Abstract: The moon and the origin of life
- LDL oxidation: tomato oleoresin vs lycopene
- LE: Life Extension Update 2001.10.19
- LE: Life Extension Update 2001.10.26
- LE: Life Extension Update 2001.11.02
- LE: Life Extension Update 2001.11.09
- LE: Life Extension Update 2001.11.23
- Leonid viewing experience
- Leonids in realtime
- Leonids storm (in GEO) this year
- Leonids URLs
- Leonids, a question
- Leonids: Imperfect Storm 'Casting
- Levitated cars, mass transit with personal vehicle
- Life Extension Update 2001.11.16
- Life Span Extension
- Lil tiny license plates for bees
- Limited resources? was: some U.S. observations and notes
- Lind echoes Burch's Extro 5 address
- Lind echoes Burch's Extro 5 address)
- list going to the dogs, again, lala
- List Problems
- List Rules Part 1 (Was: Ad hominem? I think not.)
- List Rules Part 2
- Listening to Meteors [was [UASR] [SeeSat] Electrophonic sounds]]]
- Local Groups Wanted!
- Local Groups Wanted!)
- Local Groups Wanted!]
- Look backwards for safety
- looking for solutions
- lose-lose motivations and strange mechanisms, was: some U.S. observations and notes
- Love -was - This War Is Not About Terror, But About Islam
- Luddites, Terrorists, and Other Malcontents
- Luddites, Terrorists, and Other Malcontents (PLE 2 of 100)
- Lunar Droogies
- M A Nielsen: Quantum Computation and Quantum Information
- Macrolife
- Major Networks Refuse Front Sight's ARM PILOTS Commercial
- Maniacal Misuse of Technology
- Mark Tilden goes commericial with his low-tech AI insects
- Markets and employment
- Mary Ruwart
- Mass Media ...)
- Mass Media target of Anthrax-terrorism!
- Mathworld is back (fwd)
- Mechanisms for angiogenesis
- MED: 123 days with Abiocor heart, man and machine in harmony
- MEDIA: "The Case for Globalisation"
- MEDIA: Natasha on ABC Australian radio
- MEDIA: Scottish Hawks and the Harvard Business School
- MEDIA: WIRED article "Broadband Cowboys"
- MEDIA:INVEST: Wired article on Flextronics
- Medical ethicist s (was "Cloning Breakthrough" not one)
- MEDICINE: Alzheimer's treatments
- MEDICINE: Geron and AC
- MEDICINE: Geron and ACT
- MEDICINE: Mechanisms for angiogenesis
- MEDICINE: parthenogenesis path to stem cells
- MEDICINE: UT scientists explain brain rewiring
- MEDICINE: When it rains it pours
- Meme-set conflicts
- Meme-set conflicts )
- MEMORY: Lotsa light shed on the process
- Memos from RP
- Mental Illness In World Leaders
- Meritocracies and freedom of information
- Meritocracies and freedom of information)
- Meritocracies and freedom ofinformation)
- Meritocracies and freedomofinformation)
- merrrry bradburymas everyone, ho ho hoooo
- Merry Christmas everyone!!
- Merry Prankster Drops Out
- Merry Xmas, folks.
- mersenne 39 party
- META WWW: an inherently extropian site
- META: Ad hominem suggestion
- META: email list dropping sequence and links
- META: Let's be clear about the ad hominem rule
- META: List Back Up
- META: List Focus
- Meta: List Focus (E9)
- META: list going to the dogs, again, lala
- META: mailing list policy discussion
- META: move from mailing lists to slashcode-based site?
- META: Personal names in subject lines
- META: Subject Lines
- META: test
- META: The proper way to express feelings
- META: what is verbal abuse, anyway? (Caution: foul language ahead / not worksafe.)
- META: what is verbal abuse, anyway? (Caution: foul languageahead/ not wo...
- META: what is verbal abuse, anyway? (Caution: foul languageahead/ not worksafe.)
- META: what is verbal abuse, anyway? (Caution: foul languageahead/not wo...
- meteoric bursts of light
- meteoric bursts of light (wa:s the irony in this obituary)
- meteoric bursts of light )
- mhyrraculous holiday humor
- Mike Darwin's review of Vanilla Sky
- Milky Way MACHO detected
- miltary aid destablization *show me the leptons
- mitochondrial aging
- mitochondrial aging 2
- Model Madness
- MORALITY: right & wrong
- MORALITY: right & wrong (was: A Bioethical Foundation for Human Rights)
- More About Ants (for spike)
- More Attacks Coming?
- more criticism of the criticism
- more Higgs
- More meteors...
- more on DNB
- more on Nick Herbert and superluminal channels
- More On The DNA Computer
- more on what spirituality is to me..
- More war stuff
- MOVIE: The One
- MOVIE: Vanilla Sky
- Moving toward a police state?
- MRI questions ?
- multiple postings
- music query
- musical investigations
- My recent posting regarding ExI
- nanobes
- nanodot site hacked
- Nanoscale Computing Circuits Named Top Scientific Advance of 2001
- nanotech and self-replication discussion
- NANOTECH: raising the dead & responses to knuckleheads
- NANOTECH: Wiring Up Molecular Switches
- narcoanalysis
- national capitalism day, 2 dec
- Natrium : Chrysler Offers Fuel Cell Van with Soapy Twist
- NDEs (was observations)
- Nebula sf awards of the sixties: a survey
- NEED INFO: post on wind turbine-powered buildings
- neo-luddites ...]
- neo-luddites are "US Taliban"
- neo-luddites are "US Taliban")
- Networking Organizations
- NEURO-SCI: Lefty Memory
- NEURO: Good Thinking = Good Timing?
- NEURO: Link Between Brain Size and Intelligence
- Neurobics: "Keep Your Brain Alive"
- Neuroelectronics: How Brains React to Fear
- Neuroscience Convention
- Neutrons and nanotech
- Neutrons and nanotech (was: NEWS: [deleted] can now sleep at night)
- new culture meets old culture
- New DX tool (was: The Geek Syndrome)
- new film: IMPOSTER
- new mersenne prime?
- new mersenne?
- New nanotech survey
- New To Extropian List...
- New website: The Simulation Argument
- NEWS: "Embryo Cloning Breakthrough"
- NEWS: Adequacy.org
- NEWS: Artificial heart man dies
- NEWS: Eliezer can now sleep at night
- NEWS: European Parliament Rejects Genetics Report
- NEWS: Fugo genome draft complete
- NEWS: Human chimeras and super-athletes
- NEWS: Intel invents beakthrough in transistor design
- NEWS: My essay from _The Economist_ / Shell writing competition now available online
- NEWS: NY Times on stem cells & cloning
- NEWS: Single Molecule Transistor Created
- NEWS:GM foods safe say supporters
- Newton-on-mass
- newtonmas story
- newtonmas story)
- Nice Job, Doug Jones!
- Nichols' posthuman politics
- nixing Alzheimer's
- No teens allowed
- Non-sensory experiences
- Non-sensory experiences and a Bartley Question
- non-violent conflict resolution
- Non-Zero-sum Island oops
- Northern Alliance victories: too good to be true?
- Northern Alliance victories: too good to be true?as@.
- Nothing beats science
- Nothing beats science (was: This war is not about terror...)
- NOTICE: offline till after Xmas
- Nouveau Toronto
- NSA upgrade plans (fwd)
- NYC surveillance catalog
- Odp: A New Low
- Odp: ECI, ICI (excitatory culture impulse)
- Odp: Iran pushes for nanotech
- Odp: MRI questions ?
- OED sf terminology
- OIL (was: What is Bin Rotten was your neighbor?)
- Oil Pipeline ( was Tolerance strategies)
- On the impossibility of predicting the behavior of rational agents
- On-line Pharmacy Recommendations ???
- One for defense
- One humanity, all in the same boat
- One humanity, all in the same boat --> death of the American Dream
- One Unity, Different Ideologies, all in the same universe
- One Unity, Different Ideologies, all in the same universe (2)
- Online Seminar on Lester's _Escape from Leviathan_
- Opening chapters of Damien's new novel now online
- Operation Enduring Canadians
- Operation Enduring Conscription
- Operation Enduring Consumption
- Operation Enduring Criticism
- operations per time-unit
- Optical DSPs promise tera-ops performance
- Osama & Omar Dead? You heard it here, first...
- Osama's feelings of guilt
- OT: grad school advice
- OT: intelligent fabrics
- ouch...
- Oz: This week on Background Briefing
- Palestine: What is the true story?
- Pardon my rant
- PARTY! CryoFeast 2001 - 6 locations!
- PARTY: CryoFeast 2001
- Paypal problems?
- Paypal problems?t
- PC disk indexing/search engine?
- PCR: Karl Popper Centenary Congress
- Pentagon looking for a few good ideas
- People Power: Capturing The Body's Energy For Work On and Off Earth
- PEOPLE: Sarah Marr - Where is She?
- personal VTOL only needs...
- Personality types (was: on-topic!)
- Personality types (was: uncontrollable suffering)
- PHIL: Robert Nozick new book; reaffirmation of general libertarian view
- photochemical advance
- photochemical advance)
- photochemical advance]
- photochemical advances
- Photoshock 5.5
- Physicists War Over a Unified Theory
- Physicists War Over a Unified Theory--Oops
- PHYSICS: Bose-Einstein Condensates on a chip
- pi, a long story
- Pig Latin's master plan
- playing catch-up
- Poetry
- Political alliance
- Politics, Extropians
- Politics, Immagration, Open Boarders
- Post of the Month
- Post Of The Month]
- Posthuman Language
- Posthuman Language (Please Include in Thread)
- Posthuman Language)
- Posthuman Politics
- Posthuman Politics)
- Practical Life Extension (1 of 100)
- Practical Life Extension Part 1 (Rev 1a06)
- Practical Life Extension Part 2 Paragraph 1
- Practical Life Extension, 1.2 Urgencies
- Practical space elevator
- Praxeology Data
- praying to hako sot
- Pre-cryonics service business idea
- Pre-cryostasis brain preservation 'cocktail'
- Privacy and freedom
- Private vs. government views of property
- Private vs. Public Security?
- Protecting yourself from terrorism
- prying open the "Rogue Males" article
- Psycholinguistic Model of Language Processing
- Public Lectures of the DPS Mtg 2001
- Pushing Evolution [was: The Politics of Dancing]
- Quality & quantity of weapons (was: I was wrong...)
- quantum computing and the brain
- Quantum Head Job
- Question: Photoshop Text for Web
- Radio Killed the Video Stars
- Ralph Merkle on Art Bell radio show
- Ralph Merkle on the Art Bell Show
- rantionality with a little "n"
- rationality with a little "r"
- RAWA representative speaking today and this week in LA
- Re : Life Span Extension
- rebetika (part two)
- Recall: Is it terrorism?
- recent folding@home stats
- Recent Tragedy in Perspective
- record prime status
- Regarding Brent Allsop??
- Reichstag 2001: Mil making Daschle-quality anthrax (fwd)
- Reinventing the Wheel
- Rejection and behavior
- relativism vs equivalidity
- Religion is probably a good thing
- religious singularity
- religious singularity?
- religon is probably a good thing
- religous singularity?
- remove
- Replicator in Egan's Diaspora
- Reposted Messages
- Reprotech Conf Call for Papers
- Request for the Instruction Letter
- REQUEST: Favorite URL Links
- retroviral DNA insertion into male germ-line
- Richard Dawkins: Extropian Extraordinaire
- Richard Gott on Art Bell tonight
- Robert Tools, Recipient of AbioCor Heart, Dies
- Robot Madonna & Child
- Robot Wars - Java Style
- ROBOT: "hi-touch" artificial companionship In Japan
- ROBOT: "robotic performance art"
- ROBOT: "smallest autonomous untethered robot"
- ROBOT: "The Cyborgs Are Coming!"
- ROBOT: "The players are all robots"
- ROBOT: "their genius lies in the body, and not the brain"
- ROBOT: "world's first fully autonomous robot" is "SlugBot"
- ROBOT: 2001: The year of the robot
- ROBOT: A "build our own robot" contest in Illinois (founded by Dean Kamen)
- ROBOT: A Step Toward An Autonomous Onboard Robo-Physician
- ROBOT: ALICE victorious in AI challenge
- ROBOT: Artificiality Embodied
- ROBOT: Authorities will use robot to open Leahy letter
- ROBOT: Automatic design and manufacture of robotic lifeforms
- ROBOT: B.I.O. Bugs (batteries not included)
- ROBOT: build your own robot that will fight to the death with others
- ROBOT: EL BO Project
- ROBOT: H7 Runs On RT-Linux OS
- ROBOT: Hearing Aid With A Brain
- ROBOT: Honda Update
- ROBOT: human/machine bonding experiment
- ROBOT: James Dyson is different
- ROBOT: Japanese Company Creates a Robotic Cat
- ROBOT: Lego Robot Solves Rubik's Cube
- ROBOT: Li'l Golfing Buddy and RoboWoods
- ROBOT: Mapping Subsea Weather To Measure "Greenhouse Effect"
- ROBOT: Military warms anew to robots
- ROBOT: modular self modyfing autoconfiguring network coded in base reality chemicals.
- ROBOT: NASA Joins Other Sponsors In National Robotics Contest
- ROBOT: Neruomorphic Engineering BIO Bugs
- ROBOT: new robot attack plane
- ROBOT: Not Necessarily Nicer Than Humans
- ROBOT: Office CoWorker
- ROBOT: Orders Rocket To All-Time High
- ROBOT: Professor Creates Miniature Mechanical Housefly
- ROBOT: Putting Students First
- ROBOT: Reading, Writing and Robotics
- ROBOT: Rising robots could join fight against terrorism
- ROBOT: Robo Space
- ROBOT: Robo-Subs Report Ocean Weather
- ROBOT: RoboFesta-UK
- ROBOT: Robots in sewers could get Britain online
- ROBOT: Scots get robotic parking lot
- ROBOT: SlugBot moves towards commercial release
- ROBOT: Speech Recognition & Relationship Issues
- ROBOT: Spherical Motor Allows Flexibility
- ROBOT: Surgeons in U.S. Perform Operation in France Via Robot
- ROBOT: Teen Engineers Invent Guano Buster
- ROBOT: The Ice Crawler nets $50,000
- ROBOT: The reality of cyborgs moves closer
- ROBOT: UAVs "Hunter" & "Predator" assist Global Hawk
- ROBOT: UAVs , and Finding Bin Laden
- ROBOT: Unattended Ground Sensors Track Bin Laden
- ROBOT: wearable self propelled robotic suit
- ROBOT: wearable self-propelled robotic suit
- Robots: Interesting Psych' reaction to plastic
- Rumors of mass extinctions greatly exaggerated?
- Russia coming around?
- Salman Rushdie Weighs In
- saying goodbye
- schizophrenic delusions due to limbic glitch?
- SCIENCE And The Psychology of Beliefs
- Science support trouble in Italy
- Science With A Smile
- Science With A Smile [and a Meter]
- SCIENCE: Better Killing through Chemistry
- SCIENCE: buckyballs on demand
- SCIENCE: CERN upgrade will create black holes
- SCIENCE: When it fails...
- Scientific American article on GHZ
- Scientific study of the effects of prayer
- Scientific study of the effects of prayer (loooong)
- Scientists Expect To See Miniature Black Holes
- Scientists locate brain's 'censor'
- Scientists locate intelligence ... in BODY
- Scientists locate intelligence ... in brain
- SciTech Future conf, NYC, Oct 26-28
- Seattle area 'cryo party'
- Secrecy foe scrubs data on Interne
- Secrets of The Mind [ie, brain]
- Security and Longevity [was: some U.S. observations and notes]
- Segway safety in the 21st century
- Selection by Migration
- Self-reproducing machines
- Selfish Reason To Preserve Chimps
- Selfish Reason To Preserve Chimps)
- Semantic Web: Beyond Metadata
- Setting up Ghost Town Communities?
- Shaw: Man and Superman
- Shermer's Last Law
- Sincere questions of identity + ethical questions regarding " copies"
- Sincere questions of identity + ethical questions regarding "copies"
- Sincere Questions on Identity
- Sincere Questions on Identity)
- Sincere Questions on Identity.
- Singularitarian FAQ 1.0
- Singularity Blindness
- Singularity time?
- Skyscraper parachutes
- slightly OT: intelligent fabrics
- So far so good
- So You Think You're Rational?
- so...
- Socioeconomic change (Was: "Fortune"s of "war")
- Sociologistics System Design: A Change of Perspective
- Solar Wealth
- som...
- some U.S. observations and notes
- some U.S. observations and notes)
- some U.S. observations and notes]
- Sorry
- Sousveillance
- South Park
- Space memorabilia
- SPACE/EVOLUTION: Fissics for jackasses...
- SPACE/EVOLUTION: When time stops
- SPACE/IDEA FUTURES: Is the Pluto Mission a silly idea?
- SPACE: China plans moon landing
- SPACE: Spinoffs of terror war
- SPACE: thinking seriously about space development
- Spike for ExI Chief Humor Officer
- Spike makes a good point...
- Spike's mhyrraculous holiday humor
- Spike's mhyrraculous holiday humor.
- Spike's myrrhaculous holiday humor.
- splitting words
- splitting words (correction)
- spoiling the fun with explanations, a horrid thought
- State of The Union Message Tonight
- stats folding@home team #346
- Staying Awake Drug?
- steganography
- steganography (and bin Laden)
- Stephen Wolfram's new book
- Stink Bombs
- stossel alert
- Strategies of Annihilation: Total War in US History
- Strikes started...
- Subliminal Learning
- Submissions For November Exponent
- Sudden death
- Sudden-Reality Shock Syndrome (SRSS)
- Sunday LA Times articles
- superconsciousness
- Sweet Justice
- Symbiotic Intelligence
- TECH- Quantum Head Job -Subspace Communicator challenge defined.
- TECH: Database independence
- TECH: First Single-Chip Text-To-Speech Processor
- TECH: Good articles on bioinformatics, future medicine, speech interfaces
- TECH: Quantum Head Job
- TECH: Quantum Head Job (was: The Art of FUD)
- TECH: Quantum Head Job DONE!
- TECH: Quantum Head Job DONE?
- TECH: Robot digs for archaeologists
- TECH: SlugBot called "reckless"
- TECH: Sony's Robot Dog Ver. 4.0
- technology newsletter
- Telomerase and arsenic
- Telomeres
- Ten Low Mass Companions from the Keck Precision Velocity Survey
- Teranesia
- Teranesia/books/etc
- Terminology Mailing Lists?
- Terrorism (correction)
- terrorism, what
- terrorism, what is and what should never be
- terrorism, what it is and what should never be
- terrorism, what it is and what should never be.
- TERRORISM: All Suicide Bombers Are Not Alike
- TERRORISM: and justice
- TERRORISM: Anthrax helium-powered balloon bomb plans found in Kabul
- TERRORISM: Finding bin Laden and related topics
- TERRORISM: looking for solutions
- TERRORISM: Seriousness and potential strategies)
- TERRORISM: Seriousness and potential strategies]
- TERRORISM: Shipping oneself to North America
- TERRORISM: The Grim Prospects
- TERRORISM: The Grim Prospects.
- Test.
- Testing
- Testing for Anthrax & maybe contagious
- testing soil samples
- Text of Bin Rotten's fatwa
- the Blight not evil?
- The Cornucopian Fallacies
- The Dangerous Quest for Cooperation Between Science and Religion.
- The Digital Beat: The Debate Over Online Steganography
- The E-Bomb
- The Economist on Nanomedicine
- The Enron Story: State Favoritism
- the fate of the famous finds
- The First Human Male Pregnancy
- The Friendly Skies meets "Schedule Suntan", Fwd: Nekkid Air
- The Geek Syndrome
- The Great Extropian Fire Drill
- the hazards of essentialist glossolalia )
- the hazards of essentialist glossolalia)
- The impending death of paypal.
- the irony in this obituary
- The James Swayze Fund -- Update
- The Last Book
- The Magnetic Particle Plume Solar Sail Concept ?
- The most powerfu approach to AI ever discovered?
- The most powerful approach to AI ever discovered?
- The movie: Blue (and freedom)
- the naked q hypothesis
- The New York Times on Pakistani Madrasas
- the other side of the story
- The other side of the story.
- The Path (was: This War Is Not About Terror...)
- The Politics of Dancing
- The Politics of Dancing [was: SPACE/IDEA FUTURES...]
- the problems of nonmarket economies
- The Science of Internationaal Relations (was WAR: appropriate...)
- the spike, but not as we know it, Jim
- The Struggle for Liberty in Today's Academy
- The Trouble with Education...
- The US Are Talking To You
- The view of Daniel Pipes concerning our present conflict
- The War on the List (herein of the "Afghanistan" threads)
- the waves of immigration that now plague this nation
- These last few weeks....
- These last few weeks.....
- Think 20
- Third Worlder on Free Markets
- this quiz'll crottle your greeps
- this quiz'll crottle your greeps and give you back change from a Fiver
- this quiz'll crottle your greeps(whatever that means!)
- this quiz'll demicrottle your greeps
- This war is Not about Terror, But about Islam
- This War Is Not About Terror, But About Islam (Article)
- This week on Background Briefing
- Those lab mice have it SO GOOD
- Thoughts on death
- Threat Recognition Testing
- Throwing Cream Pies Instead of Punches?
- Tipler paper
- Tolerance strategies
- Tolerance strategies (was: Two Essays on the violence...)
- Tolerance strategies (was: Two Essays on the violence...) (fwd)
- TONIGHT: HAL's Legacy on PBS
- Top post of the month
- Top ten Odious phrases for 2001
- Transhumanism, Progress, and Utopia?
- Trickle Down vs Trickled On
- Twisted Reality [was: Spike's mhyrraculous holiday humor]
- Two Afghanistan Papers
- Two essays on the violence seemingly inherent in Islam
- U.S. propaganda to Taliban
- U.S. scientists urge more research with embryos
- Unattended Ground Sensors Track Bin Laden
- uncontrollable suffering
- Unpredictability in self-recursive systems
- US/Foreign AID
- US/Foreign AID)
- USA gets ass kicked in Kandahar--public doesn't know
- Useless hypotheses
- Useless hypotheses)
- vanilla sky
- Various Threads
- virtual caliph
- Voluntary Exchange
- Wahhabism
- War Support Ebbs
- War Support Ebbs (almost a rant)
- War Support Ebbs (almost a rant++)
- War, Peace, and the State: a bibliographical essay
- WAR: appropriate first use (was: If we do get Afghanistan...)
- WAR: Northern Alliance takes Mazer-E-Sharif
- WAR: Praising the efforts
- Waste Not, Want Not
- watch out for SPEED virus
- Wayback Machine unveils old web pages
- Welcoming Submissions for December Exponent
- What can we do for you?
- What caused the Airbus to crash?
- what I envision
- What is Bin Rotten was your neighbor?
- What is this stuff?
- What is this stuff? (was: US observations and notes)
- What is this stuff?)
- What To Do About the Recession by William L. Anderson
- What's the secret to a long healthy life?
- What's the Use of Stories that Aren't Even True?
- When is a raven NOT like a writing desk?
- When is an MP3 file like a lighthouse, or the meaning of mora lity
- When is an MP3 file like a lighthouse.
- When is an MP3 file like a lighthouse?
- When is an MP3 like a lighthouse?
- When is an MP3 NOT a nonrival, nonexcludable good?
- When it rains it pours(GE rich children for high intelligence)
- Where we lost America
- which homunculus do you mean?
- Who are you to "take it easy" ...?
- Who are you to "take it easy" on Samantha?
- Who are you to take it easy on Samantha?
- Who Owns The Singularity? (was: how shall the singularity take off?)
- Who Owns The Singularity? (was: how shall the singularity take off?) --> legal natural language processing
- Who Owns The Singularity? (was: how shall the singularity takeoff?)
- Who Owns The Singularity? (was: how shall the singularity takeoff?) -- law
- Who Owns The Singularity? (was: how shall the singularity takeoff?) --> legal natural language processing
- Who Owns The Singularity? (was: how shall the singularitytakeoff?) -- law
- Who Owns The Singularity? (was: how shall the singularitytakeoff?)-- law
- Why Murderer's Brains Are Irredeemable
- Wind power
- Wired article (not online)
- Work?
- WORLD REALITY: background primers
- Yet Another Article On Brain Mapping
- Zero-tolerance rules
Last message date: Mon Dec 31 2001 - 22:14:01 MST
Archived on: Sat May 11 2002 - 17:44:34 MDT
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