Re: Meme-set conflicts

From: ct (
Date: Sun Dec 16 2001 - 00:21:15 MST

At 01:20 PM 12/16/2001 +1100, you wrote:
...and Raphael Carter's THE FORTUNATE FALL, for example;

"And so you see that in order for good to exist, you must apply a little
evil here and there.The Christians knew that, when there were Christians.
At one time they knew even more: the fortunate fall, they called it. 'O
felix culpa' ---happy fault! For when Adam and Eve gave their lives for
that one bite of worm-eaten fruitflesh, they won heaven for their children.
They say Eden means 'garden'; my translation would be 'wildlife park.' If
not for that snake happening by, we'd still be stuck there, with angels
going around us in a monorail exclaiming over the wonderfully natural
habitats. If I were a snake, I tell you, I would give the same advice.
"But they forgot---the Christians; the fortunate fall was forgotten. And
well it should be. Those are the best times, when good can forget it needs
evil to prop it up."

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