Re: ECON: Re: Russia coming around?

From: Lee Daniel Crocker (
Date: Thu Nov 22 2001 - 13:15:56 MST

> Britain, 1770-1870 or thereabouts. It's near as dammit the minarchist
> state they keep banging on about. No income tax, night-watchman goverment,
> a navy (the main military force) than ran at a profit (by enforcing
> blockades with confiscation of blockade-runner's assets) and so on.
> It was a roaring success for business -- but it wasn't a very nice place
> for ordinary people to live and it sowed the seeds of its own collapse.
> Clue: the pollution was so bad that massive public works had to be created
> to deal with it (read up on The Great Stink of 1853 if you don't believe
> me). Second clue: social conditions were sufficiently bad that *England*
> was where Marx expected the communist revolution to break out. Third
> clue: the libertarian "utopia" of imperial Britain was dismantled from
> the inside out by its own people.

As usual, opponents of the free market are arguing against something
that doesn't resemble what free-marketers actually want. That's why
I tried a few weeks ago to define it--check the archives. One thing
I remember very clearly is that a free market demands an effective
court system that fairly prosecutes torts--including pollution.
Mounting pollution can only exist on public land--and capitalism
explicitly rejects the very idea of public land. "Social problems"
again are indicative of the absence of capitalism: English courts
enforced the rights of the upper classes but not the rights of the
lower classes. In a capitalist system, a beggar has a much right
to his dollar as a baron, and the courts enforce that.

Lee Daniel Crocker <> <>
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