extropians by subject
Starting: Wed 00 Jan 1970 - 00:00:-1241028128 MDT
Ending: Tue 30 Jun 1998 - 22:22:05 MDT
Messages: 2878
- "Chemical Computer" key to future technology?
- "How Memory Works" Article
- "Ideal" transitional society blueprint
- (Bodhi)sattvas
- (Fwd) (Fwd) Joke of the Day! (Johnny's Little Red Fire Engine)
- (Fwd) EXI-DC: gathering
- (Fwd) fyi, Virtual Humans3 Conference Announcement
- (no subject)
- 12-year-old tutor... help !!
- 20'th update on fly longevity experiments
- 21'st update on fly longevity experiment
- 22'nd update on fly longevity experiments
- 350 new biotech drugs
- >H ART: The Truman Show
- >H ART: The Truman Show)
- >H Hayflick on death and immortality
- >H Hayflick on death and immortality (quibble)
- >H SKEPTICISM: Dispute of Therapeutic Touch
- [Article] Self assembled molecules
- [CRYONICS] Pre-Freezing Protocol
- [Fwd: Creationist "science" magazine]
- [Magazine]: Reinventing Life
- [Meta] - Attachment problem???
- [META]: Attachment problem FIXED?!
- [RELIGION] Creationists
- `Bully attitudes'
- A Challenge To All Extropians
- A Challenge To All Extropians/Free Marketeers
- A Challenge To All Extropians/Free Martketeers
- A Challenge)
- A Cheerful Example
- A Cure For Cancer?
- a free replication economy
- a free replication economy (was: A Challenge To All
- A Nanotube Transistor
- A return
- A return]
- ability --- IQ
- Ad: Your Personal Invitation to Spiritual & Financial Prosperity
- ADMIN: archive q
- Age and violence stats
- AI Emotions
- AI ethics (was The Truman Show)
- AI ethics [was: The Truman Show]
- AI ethics [was: The Truman Show]
- AI singularity and turtles turtles turtles
- AI's and Emotions
- AI: AI in trauma centers
- AIDS Hoax (was aids reverse transcriptase inhibitors...)
- aids reverse transcriptase inhibitors from native canadian prairie shrub
- Alas, America...
- alcohol consumption and mortality
- All-Zero-Sum Counter
- All-Zero-Sum Counter... Not!
- Ambiguous or just uncertain
- Ambiguous or just uncertain?
- An IQ Gene
- Anarcho Capitalism
- Anarcho-Capitalism > Agoric Democracy
- Anarcho-Capitalist Personal Markets
- Anarchy
- Anarchy)
- Ancient Apples versus Modern Oranges
- ANS: Alternative Number System
- Anti-Holism Flops... again!
- archives
- are angiostatin and endostatin cures for cancer?
- ART: Musgrave images
- ART: The Truman Show
- ART: The Truman Show
- ASTRO: NASA Releases Image of Possible Extrasolar Planet
- Atomism = Holism ?
- Atomism = Holism ? - NO!
- ATOMISM: Crackpot Theory
- ATTN: MAX MORE: Misrepresentation of Extropy
- augmented ape
- Automation
- Ayn Rand Documentary
- Bad Physics
- BASICS: Free Market
- BBC: One Step Closer to Immortality
- Beating a dead ...
- Beating a dead ...)
- Beating a dead horse?
- Beating a dead horse?(Was: Transhumanist Principles)
- Beating a dead...
- Beating a dead....
- beauty queens and galactic colonization
- beauty queens...
- Betamax
- Big Dinosaurs
- bioavailablility of conenzyme Q10 formulations
- Biological Basis of Morality
- biotech
- Biotech and The Darwin Chip
- Biotech-> Bio-TYRANNY ?
- Biotech-> Bio-TYRANNY?
- Black Holes
- body weight and mortality
- Bogus Barney
- BOOK ANNOUNCEMENT: The Reasonable Woman
- BOOK RE: Is "Art" is Misused?
- BOOK: Gender Shock
- books
- BOOKS: REVIEWS: Cloning, Genetic Engineering, Space Exploration
- Boston Globe/editorial policies
- Brain: Left/Right
- Bulworth
- Burning the Cosmic Commons
- Buzzed: Just Say Know
- Buzzed: Just Say YO
- Call for Papers
- caloric restriction in primates
- calyk
- Cancer Inhibited
- car ownership and morality
- Certified mail
- changing standards for academic publication
- charitable institutions...electronic frontier foundation
- CHAT: enzyme
- Cheap/Free replication (was: Erik's Fallacy)
- Christian Society
- Christian Society)
- Christly the Unchristly ?
- Christly the Ungrammatical
- Cleaning up oil spills with hair
- Clonaid...clone you Pet
- Closed universe (neutrino mass)
- Cognition as dynamics
- Committee for the Moral Defense of Microsoft
- COMP: Research Attests Practical Quantum Computing in Ten Years
- Computer/robot assisted open heart surgery
- Concentration of Capital
- conference
- Confirmed Year 2000 bugs
- consciousness reframed
- Contact
- Contacting God
- Contacting God & Eastern Religions
- Contacting God)
- Context vs Crackpotism
- Counterfactual Quantum Thinkers
- CRAN database/software sought
- Crap Physics
- creationism
- creationist science magazine
- Creationists
- Creationists)
- creationsim
- Crossing the Styx in to transhumanism
- Cryonics
- Cryonics Survey
- Cryopreserved children develop normally
- Crypto implemented in Netscape source release
- Darwin and Chomsky
- Death
- Definitions
- Definitions for Transhumanism
- Definitions for Transhumanism)
- delete
- Den Uyl - Call for Questions
- Die Extropianer
- DIY armor
- Doing the Entropic Death-Worshiping Rag
- Doug Skrecky's bio-lines... new item to add for comments..Buffaloberry & HIV
- Drugs
- Dying Better - Cryonics
- E-NEWS: drug survey
- ECON The Abolition Of Work
- ECON The Abolition Of Work)
- ECON: A change of heart
- ECON: A change of heart (was: ECON: the abolition of work)
- ECON: Intellectual Property Again
- ECON: IPR-- Plea for consensus
- ECON: the abolition of work
- Economists Optimistic Re Population
- effect of soup on satiation
- Egan reviewed
- email (Was Anarcho Capitalism)
- emotionless AIs
- Emotions and ethics
- Encryption for Fun and Profit..
- Erik's Fallacy
- Ethics
- Ethics of being a Creator
- Ethics, Egoism & Rationality
- Ethics, Egoism, and Rationality
- ETHICS: Utility First--> Fraud
- exciting times
- Exformation
- exhaustive research on life extension
- exhaustive research on life extension)
- exhaustive research/glyceminc index
- exhaustive research/hallelujah diet
- ExI = Truth First
- ExI = Truth First ?
- ExI List Archive Scrambled
- Express mail
- extension of drosophilia lifespan
- Extro-4 when and where?
- extropian "lost" . . .
- extropian galactic colonization
- extropian memes
- Extropians in Japan
- Extropians in the news (Oz)
- Extropians list to become two lists
- extropians-digest V2 #442
- extropians-digest V2 #445
- extropians-digest V2 #447
- extropians-digest V2 #458
- extropians-digest V2 #507
- extropians-digest V3 #7
- Face crap
- Face on Mars
- Face on Mars - NOT
- Face on Mars)
- Facing facts
- FDA Ban ALERT: Cholestin
- Fear of Life
- Fear of Life (was Microsoft, Automation)
- Federal Regulations & ET's (was maybe you didn't really want to know..)
- flaxseed inhibits tumor growth
- FM-2030
- Forward from Eurekalert: Water, water, everywhere....
- FORWARD: Preservation of rodent brain cells after cardiac arrest
- free launch
- free launch)
- Free Market Decentralised?
- Free Market dezentraliced?
- Free Markets Decentralized?
- Fruit fly research
- fruits, vegetables and mortality
- full body transplants
- funky virii
- Future Pets
- future pets, but I dont remember that much
- Fuzzy Logic
- Fuzzy Logic & Truth
- Fuzzy Logic (Was Tarsky)
- Fuzzy Logic treatment of Russell's Paradox
- Fwd: Virtual Worlds 98
- Fwd: Other Minds
- FWD: Request for suspended animation visuals
- FWD: The Happy Robot
- FYI: CLONING [Fwd: >H European Human Rights Law, Biomedicine, and Cloning]
- FYI:CRYPTO:GOV - e$, Tet in Cypherspace
- Gary North's Eschatological Views
- German extropians
- Gibson quote
- Going, going, gone.
- Gorrilla Talk on the Internet
- greatness
- green and black teas and atherosclerosis
- Hara Ra vs Holism
- Hayflick on death and immortality
- HEAL: Raw Food (was Waiting for More)
- HEALTH: Juice 4 The Heart
- HEALTH: Legalon
- HEALTH: re Legalon
- HEALTH: Vit C Damages DNA ???
- Hebrew
- Hebrew and its variations.
- Hebrew or Aramaic ?
- height and mortality in England
- hemp can save the world. was: the great hemp swindle
- Hermeneutics
- Hermeneutics (was Public Funding vs Free Inquiry)
- Hermeneutics Again!
- Holism & (super)A
- Holism Tested!
- HOLISM: Utility & Prediction
- Holism??
- Holism?? -Reply
- Holistic ID & Relativity
- Home Cryogenesis
- Home education and extropians
- Hope In the Lab: A Special Report; A Cautious Awe Greets Drugs That Eradicate Tumors in Mice
- How & When A = -A
- Human and Transhuman Drugs
- Human and Transhuman Drugs, Fwd: E-NEWS: drug survey
- Human longevity: demographic trends for those over 80
- human physio breakdown
- humanism vs transhumanism
- humanism vs transhumanism?
- humanism vs. transhumanism
- humanism vs. transhumanism?
- hurling monkeys
- Hyper-AI's vs Transhumans
- Hyper-AI's vs Transhumans was: ECON The Abolition Of Work
- Hyper-AI's vs Transhumans)
- I Don't Need To Show You No Stinkin' Example
- I want to be your Psychic Dog!
- Identity: Anton is Wrong & Right
- Idiocy on Mars
- Idiocy on Mars -Reply
- Idiocy on Mars)
- Immortalist Qualms about Cosmetic Surgery?
- Immunoassays /\ Assay Services
- IMO corrections about western religons
- Improving Concentration
- INET'98 Final Program
- Information
- Information -Reply
- Inspiration: Overcoming odds, links
- Intellectual Property
- interesting bit on salt & calories from longevity digest
- Intersexuality (was: BOOK: Gender Shock)
- Intros
- Invention and the Property of Intellectuals.
- Ireland
- Is It True That Tarski Sky is Blue?
- Is It True What They Say About Tarski?
- is potassium an overlooked anticarcinogen?
- Jesus Christ????
- Julian Huxley, Religion, Kleenex
- Julian Huxley: Transhumanist
- Julian Simon On-line
- junk DNA
- junkmail
- Just a receiving test > no need to read
- Justice and Punishment
- Justice and Punishment)
- killer apes
- killer apessigh
- Killer Kids (N+N: Cure school violence)
- Knowledge Roles
- Laser communications idea
- Letter From The PREZ.
- Lies & Mud vs Holism
- Light Doodler
- Light Speed Instantaneous ?
- lignans interfere with dihydrotestosterone
- Linda McC
- LindaMcC and The Arizona Connection
- LINK: Beyond Humanity
- List quotes...
- Living Longer - Antibiotics
- Long Live the Flies
- Long Live the Flys
- Long-Run Growth Trends
- LONGEVITY: Genetic studies published in May 1998
- Looking for mentor..
- malignant mail (II)
- Mars Face Analysis
- Mars Pyramid... Oh NO!
- MARS: Life on Mars
- Math Inquiry Irrelevant... ?!
- MATH Puzzle ?
- MATH Puzzle ?)
- MATH: Number Base Models
- Maxwell and Classical Physics
- MEDIA: Army and Y2K
- MEDIA: Article on cryonics in Boston Globe
- MEDIA: Forbes Magazine discusses AI and the Singularity
- MEDIA: Forbes Magazine discusses AI and the Singularity (well, kinda)
- Meeting today.....
- membership?
- MEME: Predecessor of Idea
- META: Extropians list to become two lists
- Meta: Future Religion , Moses and Ramses RE: Hebrew
- Meta: Future Religion, j. campbell
- META: List Problems?
- META: policy change
- META: Security.
- META: test
- Methuselah Whales?
- Methuselah Whales? -Reply
- MGS: Pyramid Imaged ?
- Microsoft
- MISC: Sprint Unveils High Speed Network
- Misreprep of Extropy
- Misreprep of Extropy/New to List
- Moan, Moan, was extropian "lost" . . .
- Moore's law
- Moore's law [WAS MEDIA: Forbes ..]
- More Exercise Better
- more info on "Think Twice" in NYC
- More Lem
- more news
- More Y2K
- More Y2K)
- more Zeilinger
- MSFT research to build platform for agents and bots
- MSNBC article on artificial humanity (cyborgs, Moravec, etc.)
- MSNBC article on artificial humanity (morphing into computer
- My Colossal Ego
- Mystical Validation Tested
- nanoguitar
- Near-Term Scenarios
- Near-Term Scenarios -- Environment
- Near-Term Scenarios -- Nanotech
- Near-Term Scenarios -- Space
- Negative =/= Not ?
- Net Difference = 0 ?
- Networked Art
- New Apostle
- New Austrian Journal
- New Book/Site on Space Resouces/Colonization
- New List Members
- New List Members)
- New Main Editor for Extropy Online: Sasha Chislenko
- New Organized Labor Site
- New Union Web Site
- New Utopia
- NEWS: Anti-Drug Package In Tobacco Bill
- NEWS: Human Genome News / January 1998; Volume 9, Number 1 & 2
- NEWS: Nose on a chip
- NEWS:SCI: [Fwd: Physicists seek definition of "science"]
- No Free Identity
- NodeNet forums: Role of NodeMasters
- NodeNet forums: Roster of possible forums
- NodeNet: A Stupid idea!
- NodeNet: how not to scare away experts
- NodeNets
- NodeNets and ExI
- NodeNets and ExI: A step back?
- non nanotech assemblers
- none
- Norwegian extropians?
- Obese rats eating raw kidney beans lose body fat
- Objectivism and Extropianism
- Obscure Humor
- Oceana & related matters
- Oceania & related matters
- Offered without comment or warranty
- oops--explanation of prior message
- open source software press events
- organization of internet material
- our best intrests
- Our Lives are Saved!
- Paradox, It's Back!
- Personal WANs and media servers
- Philosophy Encyclopedia
- Phoney Unicorns
- PHYS: Neutrinos have mass
- Physics -- Anti-Holism... What?!!
- Physics -> Anti-Holism... What?!!
- Physics Update
- phytohaemagglutinin reduces fatty tumours
- Pi
- PIP Tech (Was: Near-Term Scenarios)
- Plagarism charges against Wendy McElroy by George H. Smith
- Plane crashes and other accidents
- Please go see THE TRUMAN SHOW!
- Polymath List]
- potassium prevents atherosclerosis
- potassium's cardioprotective mechanisms
- potassium, calcium and magnesium and blood pressure
- presentiment - a repeatable experiment
- Project Orion
- Project Star Net
- Prometheus Award [Best Libertarian Science Fiction] finalists!!
- psi
- psi - but wait, there's more!
- Psychic Dog Network, CALL NOW!
- Psychic Stuff
- Public Funding vs Free
- Public Funding vs Free Inquiry
- Pyramids
- Quantum Computer Hardware
- QUESTION: Are teapotahedrons platonic?
- Rational Creativity
- raw kidney beans may help diabetics
- Re A challenge To All Extropians
- Re A challenge to all Extropians/Free Marketeers
- Re Automation
- Re Bogus Barney
- Re Face crap
- Re Hebrew
- Re Ireland
- Re META security
- Re Please go see THE TRUMAN SHOW
- Re Thoughts on Nodenet
- Re Words Hurt
- Re2: SPACE EXPANSION(another space question)
- Re2: transcranial magnetic stimulation (was Uploading and
- Re2: transcranial magnetic stimulation (was Uploading and Nanotec
- Re2: Why Atheism Beats Agnosticism
- RE: >H Hayflick on death and immortality
- RE: [Meta] - Attachment problem???
- RE: An IQ Gene
- RE: ANS: Alternative Number System
- RE: beauty queens and galactic colonization
- RE: beauty queens...
- RE: Black Holes
- RE: BOOK: Gender Shock
- RE: Bulworth
- RE: Contacting God
- RE: ECON: Population growth is good
- RE: ECON: the abolition of work
- RE: exhaustive research on life extension
- RE: extropian galactic colonization
- RE: extropians in popular entertainment
- RE: extropians-digest V2 #464
- RE: extropians-digest V2 #502
- RE: Fear of Life (was Microsoft, Automation)
- RE: future pets
- RE: handocentric chauvanism
- RE: HEALTH: Vit C Damages DNA ???
- RE: Homeostatic mechanism
- RE: humanism vs. transhumanism
- RE: Hyper-AI's vs Transhumans was: ECON The Abolition Of Work
- RE: Jesus Christ????
- RE: Math Inquiry Irrelevant... ?!
- RE: MATH: Number Base Models
- RE: MEDIA: Article on cryonics in Boston Globe
- RE: Meta: Future Religion , Moses and Ramses RE: Hebrew
- RE: Meta: Future Religion, j. campbell
- RE: META: policy change
- RE: Microsoft
- RE: More Y2K
- RE: Near-Term Scenarios
- RE: NEWS: Nose on a chip
- RE: Offered without comment or warranty
- RE: our best intrests
- RE: Project Star Net
- RE: Relativism and Ethics (was RE: Beating a dead....)
- RE: S/N (yeah, again)
- RE: Science, Religion & Truth
- RE: SPACE EXPANSION(another space question)
- RE: the abolition of work
- RE: The Peme Conflict Principle (was Is "Society" a Deep Peme?)
- RE: Transhumanist Declaration
- RE: Truth Machine Mailing List
- RE: what do whales talk about?
- RE: Why Atheism Beats Agnosticism
- Re[2]: Anarcho Capitalism
- Recipe for Concentration
- Reilly's abortive argument
- Relativism and Ethics (was RE: Beating a dead....)
- Religion & Health
- RELIGION: Origins of Ritual?
- remove
- Research on a 'new' psychotropic
- reverse speech ?
- Reversible Computers
- Review of longevity theories in Washington Post
- RHIZOME_RAW: BOOK: Is "Art" is Misused?
- rishons
- Robin Templeton on the War against Children (cont'd)
- Robotopia is Our Future;Everything is free and nobody
- Rothbard on Ethics
- Rupert Sheldrake completely loses it
- Russell's Paradox (Was Fuzzy Logic)
- Rx Drugs = LEADING KILLER !!!
- S/N (yeah, again)
- S/N )
- Satanism (was NodeNet: how not to scare away experts)
- Science
- Science & Absolute Truth
- Science & Religion
- Science and Religion
- Science is about Truth
- Science Truth ?
- Science vs Truth ?
- Science, Religion & Truth
- SECURITY: Logistics of paranoia.
- self ownership
- self perceived health and mortality
- Self-creating universe
- Sentience
- sesame and blood pressur
- sesame and vitamin e
- Sex pick up lines (fwd)
- Sex, Drugs And Consenting Adults, TONIGHT
- SG Daily News dead?
- Sightings special w/ Hawking
- Sikhs & the East
- SKEPTICISM: Dispute of Therapeutic Touch
- Slavery essay
- SOC:Gender Gap closes in math & science
- Softball Enthusiast
- Softball Enthusiast Spam from Onecryo.com
- Some afterlife & religion statistics
- some questions
- Sony Petasite
- Sorry Anton
- SPACE EXPANSION(another space question)
- Special Relativity
- Speed Reading, Photo Reading
- Spike or Swell
- Spreading ideas
- Stephen Hawking + realaudio
- Stroustrup's Confession (bogus?)
- Subject of previous post: Holism??
- Subject: Anarcho-Capitalism > Agoric Democracy
- Subject: New Main Editor for Extropy Online: Sasha Chislenko
- Subjective Truth
- Sunday Afternoon in the American Suburbs
- Sunspots and global warming: Mechanism
- Survey of the sky
- Survey of the Sky-data storage
- Tangible vs True ??
- Tech news: Japanese love detectors!
- Technosurrealist Manifesto
- Test
- the abolition of work
- The Best Possible World
- The Colonization of Cypherspace
- The end of Privacy
- The End of Privacy ?
- The End of Privacy ?..
- The end of privacy?
- The first transhumanist: Julian Huxley
- The Future of Longevity
- The Globe's Article/Survey
- the great hemp swindle (was: Face on Mars)
- The Peme Conflict Principle (was Is "Society" a Deep Peme?)
- The Sacred Cyborg
- The Speed of light
- The TOOLS You need to get the Job Done....
- The War Room
- Theophysical Questions
- Theories surrounding the Great Sphinx, et. al.
- Thoughts on NodeNet
- Time for a jump in quality?
- Time for a jump in quality?)
- time loops )
- TIME Magazine article on Mary Kay Schmitz LeTourneau
- Time Travel: Forward into the past!
- To donate or not to donate..that is the question
- transcranial magnetic stimulation
- transcranial magnetic stimulation (was Uploading and
- transcranial magnetic stimulation (was Uploading and Nanotec
- transcranial magnetic stimulation (was Uploading and Nanotech)
- Transhuman book: Dewdney's "Last Flesh: Life in the Transhuman Era"
- Transhumanist Declaration
- Transhumanist Declaration (New and Improved)
- Transhumanist Declaration (New and Improved))
- Transhumanist Declaration (Now New And Improved!)
- Transhumanist Declaration)
- Transhumanist Principles
- transhumanist reader
- Transvision '98
- TransVision '98 Pics & stuf.....
- Transvision '98; Proceedings so far...
- Truth Here, Utility There
- Truth Machine Mailing List
- Truth Machins and Open Networks
- Truth?
- Truth? YES!!
- turmeric, curcumin and tumor retardation
- TWA 800 & Wire Problems
- TWA 800, reflections on
- TWA Flight 800, reflections on
- Underground obital transport - was Plane crashes and other
- Uploading and Nanotech
- Uploading: Help me get to Palo Alto!
- Utilitarian Contradiction ?
- Utilitarian Set Up :)
- Utopia
- VHS Quality
- Visiting the states
- Volume 2 of the JTH!
- Voluntary End of Privacy ?
- Vote now!
- Waiting for More
- Warfare between Science & Theology in Christendome
- Wearable computers
- Were to put our money (was PHIL: The (im)moral state)
- What about the short term?
- what do whales talk about?
- Whatever Happend to Susan Sontag?
- Why Atheism Beats Agnosticism
- Words Hurt
- World's Oldest Person Dies at 117
- WORM HOLES(where you would end up)
- Wow, this must have been the slowest day ever!
- www.transcedo.org
- X < 12 or Hara Ra = Confused
- X-Files
- Y2K
- y2k = face on mars . . . Not!
- Y2K and nuclear plants
- Y2K once more
- Y2K Skepticism
- Y2K: Banks respond
- Yage (Ayahuasca)
- Year 2k - for better or for worse
- Yikes! Vitamin C to Kill Us All?
Last message date: Tue 30 Jun 1998 - 22:22:05 MDT
Archived on: Tue Aug 18 1998 - 16:29:21 MDT
This archive was generated by hypermail 1.02.