Re: Plane crashes and other accidents

ChuckKuecker (
Sun, 10 May 1998 09:12:19 -0500

At 12:20 AM 5/10/98 -0700, you wrote:

>Well now: 18000 mph = 8 km/sec = 800 sec at 1 g. Approx 3200 Km, or 2000
>At 3g (reasonable for most people) 266 sec, about 200 miles.
>In New York to Los Angeles, you get about 8 minutes of microgravity (using
>For more fun, the free fall trajectory will vary according to the time of day
>due to the moon....

I admit it - it was a WAG - I did not use a calculator.

Still, my 1 G guess came pretty close to constant accel/decel, with a
turn-around at mid trajectory.

Chuck Kuecker