Re: NodeNet forums: Roster of possible forums

Harvey Newstrom (
Thu, 04 Jun 1998 09:33:10 -0400

Max More wrote:
> Here is the current list of suggested forums for NodeNet. Suggestions for
> others are welcome, as well as inquiries about NodeMastering any of these.

Let me add to my list of suggestions:
- Investing and Money Management
- Action Requests (pointers to online surveys, e-mail campaigns,
letterwriting campaigns, etc.)
- Basics (a place to discuss basic beliefs so they can be excluded from
other nodes!)
- Polling Forum (for surveying Extropians' on questions, although a
survey webpage might be better)
- ExI Announcements (for official ExI information)
- ExI Member Announcements (for members to their promote web pages,
books, businesses, requests for jobs, public appearances, galleries,
projects, etc.)
- Rejected Posts (some lists have a seperate list that rejected posts
are sent to, thus no one is "censored" or posts "suppressed", but the
posts don't affect the signal/noise ratio of the intended list.)

Harvey Newstrom  <>  <> of the "ultimate nutrient reference book" --American Libraries