NodeNet forums: Role of NodeMasters

Max More (
Wed, 03 Jun 1998 23:31:14 -0700

N O D E N E T F O R U M S :
N O D E M A S T E R S W A N T E D !

For those of you considering applying for the position of NodeMaster for
one of the possible new forums (and for everyone who may subscribe to any
of them), here is how it will work:

The NodeNet forums each focus on one topic area of interest to Extropians.

Subscription will be open only to Extropy Institute members (except
sometimes for specially invited experts).

Most subscribers will be able to read the lists, but not post directly (the

Those unable to post directly will be able to send their questions or
comments to either the NodeMaster or a posting subscriber (Participants).

The NodeMaster invites experts to participate, and grants or denys the
status of Participant to applicants.

The intended result of the NodeNet structure is to create forums intensely
focused on particular topics, while lightly restricting posting ability to
enhanced signal-to-noise ratio, while allowing the filtered input of ideas
from non-postering subscribers, and to do all this without burdening the
NodeMaster with the time-consuming task of moderating every message.

Applications for NodeMaster positions are best directed towards those
forums in which you have qualifications (what kind of qualifications are
relevant or desirable will vary), and a particular enthusiasm. A general
requirement is an ability to say "sorry, you can be an Observer but not a
Participant)" when this deemed appropriate to maintain high standards of

If you fit the bill, I would be delighted to hear from you. The more
potential NodeMasters we have, the better the NodeNet forum will enhance
the Extropian/Transhumanist community.



P.S. I'm also posting this message to the Transhumans list, since not all
subscribers to that list will see it on Extropians. (If you're on the
Transhuman list, please reply directly as I recented unsubbed.)

Max More, Ph.D.
Updated website (Jan 98):
President, Extropy Institute:,