Softball Enthusiast
Fri, 17 Apr 1998 00:00:17 GMT

playerThe Secret Is Out!
See Why Winners Choose One Cryo, It's All About Performance

Dear Softball Enthusiast:

Cryogenics has rapidly become the hottest buzz word in the softball industry. Manufacturers like
Worth, Bombat and Catapult now feature a complete cryo line of bats. If your bat has not yet been
treated, act now and seize this opportunity to take advantage of our special 3 for the price of 2
offer, and find out for yourself why the entire industry is talking about cryo.

And as you know, there is no better time than NOW, to increase your batting average. That's why
we have put together this special offer...

Send us two of your bats at our regular price and include a third bat at no additional charge. Same
great process, same great service as we have always provided, we're just giving you a freebee and
all we ask in return is that you help us spread the word to your friends and teammates about the
benefits of cryogenics.

Don't listen to us. Here's what Alcoa, the world's leading manufacturer of Aluminum had to say about

"In the rapid water quench following heat treat, bat temperature is reduced from about 900 degrees
F to room temperature in a matter of seconds. Because the outside of the bat cools faster than the
inside, there is a residual inward stress on the bat... tests show that this stress is actually reversed in
the cryogenic process to an outward stress. Since stress is a force, an outward stress can serve to
enhance the force of impact on the ball. This can be viewed as increasing the trampoline effect of
the bat". Customers report, Cryogenics increased distance of their bats 10 to 40 feet.

One Cryo is the official cryogenic bat supplier for USSSA Senior Softball. Our process is endorsed by
USSSA Hall of Famer Steve Leighton and USSSA Half Century Director Coach Roach.

Articles about Deep Cryogenic Tempering have been published in numerous publications such as
Winston Cup Scene - December 1997, Brevard Softball Magazine - August 1997, Motorcycle
Magazine - October 1996, National Speed Sport News - September 25th 1996, Cruisin' Style -
September 1996, Metlfax - August 1996, Orlando Sentinel, Sports - September 5th 1996, Orlando
Sentinel, Business -July 15th 1996, American Machinist - May 1996, USA Today - February 5th
1996, Metallurgia - September 1995, Power Transmission and Design - September 1995, Modern
Application News - January 1994, Precision Shooting - January & December 1994, Short Track
Racing - October 1994, Gear Technology - March/April 1993, Cutting Tool Engineering - August
1992, Industrial Heating - August 1992, just to name a few. Deep Cryogenic Tempering has also
been featured on the Discovery Channel's "NextStep" program by Paul and Phil "the answer guys",
episode 83 Fall 1995, as well as on TNN's "Inside NASCAR" December 1997, hosted by Ned

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at any time.


Steve Klingbiel
VP Sales & Marketing

Still Skeptical - Not Convinced Yet? - Here's some additional background...


EFFECTS OF ULTRA LOW TEMPERATURES: Researchers began studying and quantifying the
benefits of Cryogenics on tool steels back in the late 1960's in University research labs. Since then
Cryogenics has been used in the medical industry for preserving tissues, in aerospace for stress
relieving alloys sent into space and manufacturers have used it to increase the performance and
wear life of race car parts. Over the last couple of years Cryogenics has found its way back to the
universities and in research labs such as ALCOA's.

THE CRYOGENIC PROCESS: The Cryogenic process consists of super cooling the bat to -300
degrees F at a very slow rate and then maintaining this ultra low temperature for up to 36 hours.
After which the bats are returned back to room temperature at less than one degree per minute.

THE EFFECTS OF CRYOGENICS: In recent testing performed by an ALCOA metallurgist and a
new product development manager, it was found that the cryogenically treated bats displayed a
reduction in residual stress. This is consistent with the results discovered during the 1950's when the
process was often referred to as "uphill quenching". In a separate research project conducted at a
major university, it was verified that the Cryogenic process changes the state of residual stress in the
bat. This is important because the effects of residual stress can increase the effects of external
force applied to the material (in this case, impact of the ball on the bat).

residual stress along with the realignment of the molecules uniformity brought about by the cryogenic
treatment, can result in an enhancement of the trampoline effect, which occurs in the bat's "sweet
spot" during the time of momentary impact and kinetic energy transfer with the ball.

WHAT CAN CRYOGENICS DO FOR MY BAT? Because the reduction in residual stress can
influence the force of impact between the ball and the bat, as well as increasing the effective
strength, the following benefits to bat performance have been observed:

1. An Increase of 2 to 4% in hit distance, as much as 20 to 40 feet
2. Enhanced "feel" resulting from reduction of internal vibrations
3. Improved durability to resist denting
4. Enhanced Trampoline effect
5. Enhances "sweet spot"
6. Cryo Bats are legal in all leagues of play

Call Toll Free 1-888-663-2796

Even more info at our Website at

For the Hottest single wall bat check out

O.K. so Now you are convinced and ready to send in your softball bat(s) for treatment

For Tips on Shipping your bat visit

Use our Order Form to send in along with yout Bat(s) print yourself a copy at

The Price List?

1 to 10 Bats $25.00 per Bat

11 to 20 Bats $20.00 per Bat

21 and up call for group pricing

Shipping and Handling, this includes $300 return insurance per Bat

Add $7.50 for first Bat

Add $2.50 for each additional Bat

Or Order your very own EQUALIZER Softball bat for $149.95, Plus S&H

Ship To:

One Cryo Inc
6036 South Orange Ave
Orlando, FL 32809

Ship To:

One Cryo Inc
14801 128th St. E.
Puyallup, WA 98374