> EvMick wrote:
> > If this is true. Then it appears to me that the dinosaur hypothosis has a
> > problem.
> You think dinosaurs are merely a "hypothosis"?
> > > (BTW, it is hard to call dinosaurs a hypothesis, since we do indeed
> > > have their sizeable bones)
> >
> > One minor quibble. I think we have fossils of bones. Not the same thing.
> You quibble that we don't really have dinosaur bones?
> Where is this leading? Do you doubt that dinosaurs really could have
> existed? Do you doubt that fossils are really the remains of dinosaur
> bones? What "hypothosis" would you propose instead?
> --
It appears that a closet creationist has infiltrated the extropian
ranks. Next, we'll hear that the world started in 6000 b.c. and that
God buried fake bones with divinely doctored carbon-14 signitures in
order to test our faith!
> Harvey Newstrom <mailto:harv@gate.net>
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