Re: Offered without comment or warranty

Damien Broderick (
Fri, 15 May 1998 11:33:41 +0000

At 06:03 PM 5/14/98 BST-1, the cruelly beaten or nearly-beaten one wrote:

>> this list read the purported study forwarded by Tony Hollick (by Cat,
>> Thomas H. and Ray Fiddle [1983], wasn't it, or am I thinking of the
>> skepticism poll conducted by Hither, Adolph and Yon, I [1882]?) as a
>> serious academic paper.

> >:-} >:-}

Thank you. *bows*

> PPS: Was your reference to 'Cat, Thomas H' an intuition, or have you
> perchance picked up a meme from the brilliant '50s TV series
> 'T.H.E. Cat' (Thomas Hewitt Edward Cat)?

I never saw a TV show until the mid/late '60s - my family was too poor to
own a receiver.

BTW, further research has shown that the full first name of Dr Thomas H.
Cat's research associate Ray Fiddle, one of the earliest hippie children to
enter university, is Rainbow. He was known in childhood as Beau, but
repudiated that abbreviation with revulsion once he realised why people
outside the commune kept laughing at him.

Damien Broderick