Thu, 09 Apr 98 01:53:55 EST

Welcome to Information plus. Thanks for taking the time to look at this
business opportunity that can be run from your home. This exiting opportunity
requires a very low start-up cost and has already been tested!

We are in the information age, billions are made every year in the information
industry and you can take part in this industry by selling simple information.

We have available on CD ROM 2000 HOW TO BOOKS, REPORTS, AND
MANUELS. This special CD ROM contains such categories as business, finance,
government, health and beauty, and much more.

The CD ROM contains far more than just single page reports, it
contains 40 page manuals and 200 page books. This wealth of information
can be used for your own benefit and you also receive full reprint/resell rights.

Duplicate this information to sell to others in paper form, CD ROM, or floppy disk.
We also include a specially designed marketing plan free.

The marketing plan includes over 1000 places to advertise, sample classified ads,
a direct mail promotional piece and much more.

If your serious about getting involved with a profitable home based business for
under $60, please call us toll-free, 24 hours at 888-207-9671 for more information.

This is a limited time offer! Remember INFORMATION IS MONEY!