Re: New Utopia

Boris Goldshmit (
Tue, 30 Jun 1998 19:02:59 -0400

'til the Kingdom cometh... Singularity or not, it is possible to achieve
certain degree of independence and self-regulation in order to pursue
transhumanistic goals. The point is not to ignore social and political
environment, but to outmaneuver it and use it for your own advantage
while taking advantage of existing infrastructures without wasting time
and precious resources on building your own.

-----Original Message-----
From: den Otter <>
To: <>
Date: Tuesday, June 30, 1998 2:59 AM
Subject: Re: New Utopia

>Boris Goldshmit wrote:
><<Here we go again... Nation, as it exists now is absolutely not
>necessary for successful establishment of a transhuman social entity!!!
>It is amazing to hear ideas and voices arguing future organization and
>order of human kind in the context of social structures which will
>eventually become archaic just like tribes and hunting-gathering groups
>of primitive ages>>
>*Eventually* yes, but not before the singularity, which is at least a
>couple of decades away. For the time being, the world remains to be
>devided among these "archaic" groups called nation states, and the only
>way to have a reasonably free lifestyle is to have your piece of
>territory. The bureaucratic structures are anything but dead, and
>ignoring their silly rules while on their turf will surely get you into
>trouble (try not to pay taxes, for example).