>...I suspect that most people would not include
>the location of an object as part of its identity - they would
>hold that the piano before and after movement was the same
>piano; that the coin one picks up, and the coin one slips into
>ones pocket are identical.
IAN: If location is not an attribute of identity,
then identity is non-local, if identity is non-
local, then A = -A, which is to say that the
identity of A exists equally in all locations.
If identity is local and defined by location,
the identity structure of A is also non-local,
since the whole, both A and -A, is what is
causing A to be A. It's the space and uni-
verse around me that puts me where I am,
therefore they are part of where I am.
It is there that
makes here here
it is here that
makes there there
As for changing-location changing identity,
location is one feature of identity. If A
changes location fast, then A is fast.
It is the fast that
makes the slow so slow
it is the slow that
makes the fast so fast
If A is not changing, then A is static.
What A is, is what the identity of A is.
Virtually every physical quantity that
can be assigned to A are derived from
motion, which is location-changing,
and all are identity attributes.
A coin on the ground is not the same
as one in pocket, if only because
the one in the pocket has a great
potential energy than the one on
the ground, since it is lifted
higher than the one on the ground.
Every thing about A is derived from
the relation of A to -A and all in -A.
VISIT IAN WILLIAMS GODDARD --------> http://Ian.Goddard.net
"A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its
opponents and making them see the light, but rather because
its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows
up that is familiar with the idea from the beginning."
Max Plank - Nobel physicist
"The smallest minority on earth is the individual.
Those who deny individual rights cannot claim
to be defenders of minorities." Ayn Rand