Re: future pets

Eugene Leitl (
Fri, 17 Apr 1998 21:15:14 +0400 (MSD)

Steve Van Sickle writes:

> Not quite. 21st Century Medicine has been recovering dogs from 15
> minutes of body temperature cardiac arrest. They have recovered dogs
> from around 4 hours of cardiac arrest at just above the freezing
> point with all the blood washed out and replaced (and even longer
> with intermittant mechanical perfusion).

I seem to recall that canine specimen's age played a great role in
successful recovery. Anyway, 21CM is doing incredible work -- and we
are likely to expect even more dramatic results if the research will
go to full time mode. Yay for 21CM!

Btw, the recent week has been pretty stormy again on CryoNet. Very
good points have been made by CP/MD, I'd only wish the entire debate
could have occured in a more constructive atmosphere. (Complacency
in face of grave deficiencies would have been worse, though).
