RE: Truth Machine Mailing List

Sun, 7 Jun 1998 09:38:52 -0500

I've been traveling and I'm not sure if I answered this yet. I couldn't
really spare the time to do this myself, but I would participate in
discussions. I also have several thousand e-mail addresses of people who
have participated in surveys at my original TTM Web site in 1996, and
hundreds more who mailed in surveys from the books. I'll be happy to
supply these addressed to whoever runs the list (which I think could
even make some money by setting up a bookstore link to
Best, Jim

> ----------
> From: Max More[]
> Sent: Monday, June 01, 1998 12:42 PM
> To:
> Cc:;;
> Subject: Re: Truth Machine Mailing List
> At 10:33 PM 5/31/98 -0700, you wrote:
> >I asked Jim Halperin if there was a mailing list on the topic of
> >Truth Machines. He said there was not any to his knowledge. I
> >personally do not have the resources to support a mailing list,
> >and wonder if any of you can host a majordomo mailing list on
> >this topic. If you can, let me know by private email.
> >
> >The focus of this list is what is needed to build a Truth Machine.
> >The other consequences of a TM can be discussed on other lists.
> We've been wanting to set up special purpose lists to build the
> "NodeNet".
> This issue would be a good list as part of that project. The NodeNet
> structure does require one person to decide who is allowed to post to
> the
> list (anyone can read). Jim -- would be you be willing to suggest
> subscribers and to approve applicants? If so, I can send you the info
> (written by Greg Burch) on how the NodeNet lists work.
> Max
> Max More, Ph.D.
> Updated website (Jan 98):
> President, Extropy Institute:,