Re: Age and violence stats

Ian Goddard (
Tue, 30 Jun 1998 22:40:59 -0400

At 08:47 PM 6/29/98 -0700, Max More wrote:

>I believe that older people tend to commit fewer violent crimes (and not
>just those who are in hospital beds). If true, this might be turned into a
>cultural-effects argument in favor of extending our lifespans. If violent
>crime primarily comes from youngsters, the more older people there are and
>the lower the birth rate, the lower the level of violent crime that we
>should expect.
>Can anyone point me to a good source of statistics on violent crime broken
>down by age? Preferably a resource easily accessible on the web.

IAN: The magic word here is "testosterone."
A graph showing the rise and fall of test-
osterone in the male over lifespan maps like
a glove onto the graph showing violent crimes
by males. Not only that, women who commit vio-
lent crimes have been shown to have higher
levels of, you guessed it, testosterone:

Violent women have higher testosterone:

High testosterone linked to violent crime:

Also see: Journal of the American
Medical Association, June 14, 1995.

There is also the phenomenon known as "roid rage"
in which steroid users become dangerous violent.

See: American Journal of Psychiatry: "Domestic violence
associated with anabolic steroid abuse." 1993; 150:348.

American Journal of Psychiatry: "Violent crime possibly
associated with anabolic steroid use." 1989; 146:679.

Life extension protocols might actually extend
the period of life in which testosterone was at
a high level, since its decline is associated
with aging. Some Lextension material talks about
increasing levels of testosterone in older men.

VISIT Ian Williams Goddard -------->