> > From: "The SHO master c.c." <98097@sh.dc.k12.mn.us>
> > ---Oddity---
> > It rained for 40 days and 40 nights. ? How is this possiable? was
> > there enough moisture in the air at that time to produce that much
> > water?
> That's not the worst of it.
> It rained so much as to cover the mountain (and don't forget that the
> fountains of the earth opened up to help out). That would be
> Everest, which according to my almanac (I found the damn thing
> again) is 29,028 feet above sea level.
> It did this in only 40 days and 40 nights = 960 hours. The water
> level rose at an average of 363 inches per hour. Even if only 10% of
> that is rain (the rest being from the fountains of the earth), that's
> a yard of rain an hour. A heavy Midwestern rainstorm delivers maybe
> four inches an hour.
> With a yard of rain an hour, Noah didn't need an ark.
> He needed a submarine.
> an ark.
Ah the one factor not mentioned yet is that, oh my god mountains
grow! Now for the next question how much did Everest grow in that
time period, of which we cannot define for there is realy no time
before christ.