On Sat, 20 Jun 1998 Michael Lorrey <retroman@together.net> Wrote:
>we do not live in the absolute best of all possible universes, ergo:
>take c, the speed of light, and e=mc^2. Because this is such a
>low velocity relative to the size of the universe, yet requires
>such an incredibly large amount of energy to reach with a
>spacecraft, relative to the energy production capacity of a
>technological civilization in that universe, this puts a huge crimp
>on our ability to fulfill the Creator's command to disperse,
>multiply, and subdue the universe that our 'Creator' has made for us.
I'll play devil's advocate and pretend I'm a creationist. If c was only
slightly larger fusion reactions would release so much energy the sun would
blow apart. Even more important, if c were faster it would be easy to program
an AI, no need for clever programming or fancy algorithms, to solve a problem
just look at every possibility, even if there were an infinite number of
things to check it would be no problem if c was instantaneous. The trouble is
God might not like the competition, He might get a little jealous if we could
make a little box as smart as He was from just a few parts we picked up at
radio shack.
John K Clark johnkc@well.com
Version: 2.6.i