Re: Why atheism beats agnosticism (Was: Re: Contacting God)
Fri, 24 Apr 1998 17:10:46 -0500 (CDT)

On Fri, 24 Apr 1998, wrote:

> ----------
> > From: Erik Moeller <>
> >> Pick a fight, yeah. Maybe with people who don't even want to fight. And still battle them, until their beliefs are shaken in their fundamentals.Maybe drive them into suicide.<<
> The meek might be spared the harsh reality of their affliction, but the
> militant ones should be given hell, so to speak. You know, an eye for an
> eye...
> >> I work with fundamental Christians. Although I have all the knowledge to refute their beliefs completely, I don't. Why should I interfere with other people's lives?<<
> To save them, mentally and physically?
> >> But a militant atheist could destroy these lives, even with
> words only. That's specific for religion, because it is irrational, it
> is always attackable. But the emotions connected with the religous
> beliefs are not. And that's why you cannot predict how someone whose
> worldview has just been destroyed will react.<<
> You underestimate the power of the religion meme. It's almost impossible
> to remove it; it gets stronger when attacked (the poor martyr sub-meme).
> No amount of reason will suffice, god knows I've tried ;-) Should the
> unthinkable happen (it's a miracle!) and you
> *do* succeed in turning someone away from religion, than you have
> an excellent replacement meme readily at hand: transhumanism. It
> offers the same advantages as religion (belief in immortality, "heaven",
> ascension etc.) minus the nasty/useless stuff. "Do not serve God, but
> become him"
> >> I wouldn't call that mindfucking. I would call it mind rape. And it's a type of coercion, too.<<
> I would call it leaving a serious mental condition untreated.