Re: Misreprep of Extropy

Shakehip (
Mon, 25 May 1998 16:55:36 EDT

In a message dated 5/25/1998 1:18:04 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

<< Add to that the fact that many of us consider
ourselves atheists (or militant agnostics!) and we see that, as usual, the
lie does more harm than good. >>

Count me in the first category. I agree with the negative connotation about
religions, but am also concerned about another issue : Except possibly
under freedom of religion, where else is a person's right to chose their
matter of "burial" (or should we say post-mortem storeage) protected ?
Under Orthodox Jewish law, for example, a person is supposed to be burried
within 24 hours of death, and autopsies are forbidden. If I'm not mistaken,
in most cases I recall, this religious practise has generally been protected
by the state. - - I received a letter from a fellow who lives in Japan
mentioning that he found out if he wished to be frozen and shipped back to
America, his body would have to be held over for a great deal of time and for
whatever reason and paperwork) and as I recall, cryopreservation is virtually
illegal in Japan. (Most States and Countries have laws about how and when
bodies are to be "disposed" of.) On the other hand, Japanese beurocrats are
notoriously for making exceptions when it comes to grey areas if the proper
people intervene. (I am not a lawyer or expert in American or Japanese
law, so will stop at this point until I get myself entangled in something I
don't fully know what I'm talking about.)

In conclusion, agreed : Honesty and ethics are important. Public image of a
growing movement is also important. I can't deny that. - - I forget the
author of a famous freethought treatist written in the late 19th century
entitled "A History of the Warfare Between Science and Theology" - -
ironically, that battle continues 100 years later, as we see in issues related
to cloning to the right to die. Ironically, both touch quite close to home.
However, as what one might call "Life Insurance", unless you can point out to
one area that privates me a legal right to chose my matter of de-animation,
and a right to be frozen and remain frozen, I would half to play it from both
sides of the fence... (incidently, I believe in law, this is known as
"creation of a legal fiction" -- a pre-contrived action or agreement which
allows for a grey area of the law to be supported in a person's favor.)

- - Ed, swallowing his words, "I think I'll only lurk..."