Re2: SPACE EXPANSION(another space question)

Prof. Gomes (
Mon, 25 May 1998 16:23:59 -0200 (GRNLNDDT)

At 11:24 07/05/98 +0200, you wrote:
>Space isn't expanding into anything, there is no need for an
>"embedding space" as it is known mathematically in order to have a
>self-consistent spacetime with our laws of physics. This is usually a
>bit hard to understand when one considers everyday phenomena which of
>course occurs inside our space.
>One could say spacetime can grow, in the sense that there could become
>more of it between two points. But it doesn't grow into any outside
>space, since it is space itself.
>I hope this was comprehensible; the math is simple but hard to
>explain (obvious in retrospect, as usual).

>Anders Sandberg

Well, IMHO, a plausible, simple and very near reality hypothesis about the
universe should be:

An infinite vacuum, n-dimensional (n=?) space... Into it, there is a
_possibly_ finite energy-matter subset, dinamically evoluting, with its
matter expanding or contracting (?), but with its farer photons (*) almost
certainly expanding universe limits at c (?) velocity...

(*) or other possibly quicker particles, or other particles which were
thrown very very far by the last (why only ?) big bang, farer than its first
photons, if was not such big-bang just a local phenomenum and we have not
yet seen anything out of it ...???

BTW, does anybody remember the medium life of a photon. If I am not wrong,
it depends on the energy, doesn't it ???
