>> IAN: Because your points are often so
>> cryptic, it's up to the reader to divine
>> them from your words. So if not to raise
>> the issue of wires and TWA 800, I guess
>> your point was that "the system works"
>> since as a subset of a multi-million
>> dollar cover-up of mass homicide,
>> they found some chaffed wires.
>I don't know if the conspiracy is real, but at least
>the wires are.
IAN: That there is a conspiracy to conceal
witness accounts, the satellite data, radar
data, 1/3 of the plane, and more is real.
VISIT IAN WILLIAMS GODDARD --------> http://Ian.Goddard.net
TWA-800 CASE CORE --> http://www.erols.com/igoddard/twa-core.htm