Fuel Efficient Cars (was Oil Economics)

From: BillK (bill@wkidston.freeserve.co.uk)
Date: Fri Feb 14 2003 - 15:15:50 MST

  • Next message: Ramez Naam: "RE: Dolly the clone is dead"

    Fri Feb 14, 2003 08:20 am Rafal Smigrodzki wrote supporting Mike Lorrey:
    > As indicated above, this (USA) death toll is already among the lowest
    > in the world.

    How best to translate this claim?
    a) Black is really rather whitish in color when you look at it THIS way?
    b) 42,000 killed, $200 billion costs per year is really ok, nothing much
    to worry about here?

    Rafal has seized on one way of comparing statistics between countries
    that appears to put the terrible USA road death toll in a good light.
    When you compare countries you have to think about exactly what you are

    How many miles of freeway do you think Greece has compared with the USA?
    That's right, - hardly any.

    What are the safest roads to drive on?
    That's right, - freeways.

    What do Americans clock up lots of mileage on?
    That's right - freeways, the safest roads in the world.

    e.g. For year 2000, fatalities by type of road were:

                                 USA Portugal

    Freeway 5,587 130
    Outside Urban Areas 26,028 1,142
    Urban Areas 10,206 588
    Total 41,821 1,860

    Greece analysis not available.

    So what Rafal is really claiming is that bowling along the USA
    interstate at a steady 60-70mph is among the safest driving in the
    world. And, guess what - he's exactly correct! If other countries had
    more freeways like USA (assuming they had the spare land available!)
    they would also be much safer to drive in.

    The organisations concerned with road safety are very aware of this
    statistic. Efforts spent on freeway safety will have little effect on
    reducing the total road death toll. That is why much more attention is
    being paid to safety measures on urban and local roads.


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