RE: Dolly the clone is dead

From: Ramez Naam (
Date: Fri Feb 14 2003 - 16:02:19 MST

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    From: Eliezer S. Yudkowsky []
    > Ramez Naam wrote:
    > > People are probably going to pick up on this as a sign that
    > > cloning is not safe.
    > It's *not* safe. If anyone is trying to clone humans at this
    > point, I blame the media's glamorization of cloning.

    I agree that safety hasn't been sufficiently well established to
    justify reproductive cloning of humans.

    At the same time, most of the data people cite about how unsafe
    cloning is are either wrong or exaggerated. For example, people talk
    about the fact that it took 200+ attempts to create Dolly. The
    undertone is often that the failed attempts were awful, mutated sheep
    that died at birth. That's just not true. Of all the attempts to
    create Dolly, only 1 egg implanted in the uterus. Most of the eggs
    failed to ever divide. The rest died at around the 8 cell stage.

    In any case, my goal was to point out that Dolly's medical problems
    could well stem from technical problems in the cloning process that
    have since been ironed out.


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