RE: Fuel Efficient Cars (was Oil Economics)

From: Dickey, Michael F (
Date: Thu Feb 06 2003 - 08:11:15 MST

  • Next message: "Re: Fuel Efficient Cars (was Oil Economics)"

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Russell Blackford []

    "So exactly why are cars like this so unpopular in the US? Is it the
    felt need to chauffeur around a stack of kids in something that feels

    With all this talk about the different cars available to the US and European
    markets, its important to take a look at the driving habits of US and
    European markets as well. Europe has approx 4 times the population density
    that the US does.

    Given that, US drivers will tend to need to drive longer distances on
    average than European counterparts and will probably tend to prefer cars
    that make that more comfortable. I am sure this is only one of the numerous
    reasons for the different driving styles / habits / preferences of Europeans
    and Americans, but it is an important one to note.

    Michael Dickey

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