Projected thanksgiving

Kathryn Aegis (
Wed, 26 Nov 1997 13:36:43 +0000

Traditionally at this time of year, Americans take a few minutes to
contemplate what one has been given, what one has at this time. Many
think back to times when things were less bountiful in their
own lives and compare that with the accomplishments of today.

Transhumanists can extend thanks into the future. Take a few minutes to
contemplate what we will create in years to come, and give thanks for
living at a time wherein we live on the brink of obtaining the knowledge
and resources to make dreams reality. While others focus mostly on what
has been given, think about what we have earned and what we will
build, what we will envision and what we invent.

That, and the future prospect of a huge, caloric feast!

Kathryn Aegis