Re: Land of let's only talk about whats wrong with the US

From: Max M (
Date: Wed Aug 20 2003 - 02:14:59 MDT

  • Next message: Samantha Atkins: "Re: Lee Corbin's Goodbye"

    matus wrote:

    > I know my anti-communists and terrorists articles are quite distracting
    > to your 'land of lets only talk about whats wrong with the US' possible
    > vision of this mailing list, but I'm sure recent developments in this
    > list will help to bring about such a vision.

    USA is an interresting country. It is so full of contradictions.
    Contradictions make for good conflict and drama, and good discussion points.

    Many of us, even us europeans find that USA is in many respects close to
    an ideal free society. But that does not mean we agree in everything, or
    even understand the way you choose to do things. So often the
    contradictions stands out to us.

    But what many of you americans seem to not understand is that we
    non-americans most often *really* like USA despite it's many faults. But
    that will not stop us from mentioning the faults.

    Think of us as a normal dysfunctional family. Constantly nagging, but
    couldn't dream of living without each other ;-)

    That being said, I too found Damiens posting a bit "insensitive" in the
    light of the recent developments on the list.

    regards Max M Rasmussen, Denmark

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