RE: Land of let's only talk about whats wrong with the US

From: matus (
Date: Wed Aug 20 2003 - 00:35:37 MDT

  • Next message: Hubert Mania: "Re: Kant's enlightenment"

    > We agree that: Communists are awful. Terrorists are awful.
    > Saddam was awful.

    Well, let me be the first to welcome you to our minority viewpoint.
    Glad you can admit it. But don't say 'we agree' unless you mean merely
    you and I, because other members of this list obviously do not agree
    with that statement. Because members of this list have argued in favor
    of anarcho socialism, that the 'good guys' won in indochina, that Kuwait
    wasn't a legit country because Saddam didn't recognize it, etc. etc. I
    will continue to repeat that communists, terrorists, and saddam are
    awful and present evidence supporting that statement until I no longer
    see such odd statements on this mailing list, or until I come across
    convincing evidence suggesting the none of those things are awful.

    I know my anti-communists and terrorists articles are quite distracting
    to your 'land of lets only talk about whats wrong with the US' possible
    vision of this mailing list, but I'm sure recent developments in this
    list will help to bring about such a vision.

    > It's also awful that other things in parts of the world where
    > we have a direct influence are awful.

    Indeed, it is. At least in the US, though, the things that will get you
    tossed in jail are pretty well established, documented, and supported by
    the majority. All one need to is not steal, assault, kill, or deal

    And as far as influence, as an American my vote obviously was able to
    directly influence the continuation of a murderous tyrannical regime.
    But this begs the question, is there anything we truly do not have *any*
    influence on?

    > >Any link Damien?
    > Sorry, that CSM piece was sent to me by someone else, and I
    > didn't wish to repost the whole thing in breach of copyright.

    I wasn't asking for the whole article to be reproduced violating
    copyright, I would have liked to seen a link to the article to read more
    about the study. I would genuinely be interested to know how they
    determined the incarceration rate in other not so open societies, like
    communist ones, or tyranical dictator ones, or oppresive theocracies.
    E.g. Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, North Korea, China, Cuba, Iraq, Iran, etc.

    Michael Dickey

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