If anyone is in the Los Angeles valley area I can recommend an excellent
personal trainer that has done wonders for me in three years. My doctor
insisted I start an exercise program three years ago and I knew from several
previous abortive attempts I could not do it on my own. Bryan is a great
trainer and I have gotten great results as his client. If you are not in Los
Angeles he can also be consulted on building a home gym etc.
His WEB page is:
Dave, I don't know where you live but, I think there are Gold's or World's
gyms in most places in the US at least.
>From my own experience i would highly recommend starting with a personal
trainer to get form correct.
Best Ralph
At 10:06 AM 11/20/2000 -0500, you wrote:
>Max and other weight trainers,
>What would you recommend for someone who wants to start light weight
>training in terms of equipment, frequency of workouts, duration of workouts,
>supplements, etc?
>I'm 40, about 220 lbs at 6'--so bulking isn't much of a concern. I'm in
>decent shape because I do karate regularly. I live in the sticks, so working
>out at a gym isn't an option.
>Is it safe to work out with free weights without a partner, or do I need to
>stretch rubber bands or something?
Ralph Lewis, Professor of Management and Human Resources
College of Business
California State University, Long Beach
Long Beach, California
rlewis@csulb.edu http://www.csulb.edu/~rlewis
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