Re: tribal violence (was: RE: would you vote for this man?)

From: Robbie Lindauer (
Date: Tue Sep 02 2003 - 18:51:46 MDT

  • Next message: Greg Burch: "RE: would you vote for this man?"

    On Tuesday, September 2, 2003, at 03:53 PM, Jeff Davis wrote:

    > As
    > Christianity/the west is still working on the mideast,
    > can we really say that Christianity has "simmered
    > down"?

    The funny thing here is that Christianity seems to be being blamed for
    raw ambition and imperialism.

    Remember, Religion is the Opiate of the People, not the Leaders who
    apparently have no need of such things for anything other than
    appeasing their political basis.

    I can vividly remember hearing from a Preacher that Abortion was THE
    ONLY political issue of concern for American Christians. When it was
    objected that Imperialism was killing as many people and at the same
    rate, he was flabbergasted but unapologetic.


    Robbie Lindauer

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