Re: Hackers beware: quantum encryption is coming

From: Robert J. Bradbury (
Date: Sat Jun 21 2003 - 15:01:08 MDT

  • Next message: "Re: developing countries"

    On Sun, 22 Jun 2003, Brett Paatsch wrote:

    > I'm no encryption expert but since reading Simon Singh's
    > The Code Book back in 1999 I've had the impression that
    > there is a race on between the developers of quantum
    > computers that could crack existing codes and the development
    > of quantum encryption which could produce uncrackable
    > codes even given quantum computers.



    I'm not sure whether they are talking about quantum encryption
    or quantum entanglement. I believe these are entirely two
    different things. With entanglement you simply get to detect
    whether or not someone has read the message. I've got no
    idea what quantum encryption is. Quantum decryption, applied
    to normally encrypted messages allows you to do things like
    factor very large numbers extremely quickly allowing one to
    crack the codes on which most encryption schemes are currently

    If someone else knows more they should comment because I'm
    in way over my head here.


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