RE: The Aesthetic Imperative & the "long boom" comeuppance

From: Adrian Tymes (
Date: Fri Jun 20 2003 - 00:55:25 MDT

  • Next message: Damien Broderick: "developing countries"

    --- Ramez Naam <> wrote:
    > From: []
    > > If we pour money into the countries without
    > a decent
    > > legal system then I suppose our money goes down
    > that well
    > > known rat hole.
    > > So we are caught between a rock and a hard
    > place.
    > > Unless the legal system changes the people can't
    > help
    > > themselves, but they are capable of doing
    > > so otherwise, nor can we effectively help them.
    > Why not bribe the politicians of developing
    > countries to establish the
    > rule of law and clamp down on corruption?

    'Cause corruption pays more, through getting bribes
    from all sides. Not to mention, corruption tends to
    pay all levels, while if you play honest you have the
    tricky problem of remembering to pay your grunts (and
    letting go of the money placed into your hands to do
    just that).

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