RE: "liberal media"

From: gts (
Date: Tue May 13 2003 - 23:23:49 MDT

  • Next message: Devon White: "Objective Media?: was More enthusiasm than news in Fox's coverage of war"

    Harvey Newstrom wrote:

    >> What's the problem? Haven't you people ever looked these terms up in
    >> the dictionary before? Sheesh! Seriously, everyone should look these
    >> words up in the dictionary...

    The problem with dictionaries is that they contain no real word meanings. To
    properly understand a word one must first understand every word in its
    definition. So then one must also look up those words. But those words are
    defined by yet more words that one must look up. And those words are defined
    by even more words. It's an infinite regress, leading to insanity.

    I think it's better just to avoid words altogether. They appeared only
    recently on an evolutionary time-scale. We can't be adapted to them.


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