Re: GM Foods Safe Enuf

From: Charles Hixson (
Date: Tue May 13 2003 - 11:50:30 MDT

  • Next message: Brian Atkins: "Re: Eating glycotoxins"

    Lee Daniel Crocker wrote:

    > ...
    >Sure, Monsanto and other GM companies have made some PR blunders
    >that may slow down the adoption of some foods and give the Luddites
    >a bit of political ammo for a while. But ultimately the market
    >will give people what they really want, which is the cleaper, safer,
    >healthier, tastier food that GM technology can produce.
    That's why they want it to be illegal to label food to reveal whether it
    is GM or not. I don't know the current status of the various laws, but
    because the market forces would act against them, the conspire to
    conceal which foods have been GM, or irradiated, or etc. (I don't feel
    that conspire is too strong a word... they act in secret in concert with
    others, and do that which if the beneficiaries weren't legislators would
    be called bribery.) I'm not arguing whether the market reaction would
    be reasonable or not. Sometimes, frankly, it seems to me unreasonable.
    But to conceal the information necessary to allow the market forces to
    act removes one from having "market forces" used legitimately in one's
    defense. So I don't feel that it is legitimate to defend them with that
    argument. You may well find other arguments, but the companies
    themselves have so acted as to render that argument invalid.

    -- Charles Hixson
    Gnu software that is free,
    The best is yet to be.

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