Re: specific amino acid restriction does the same thing as calorie restriction?

From: Hal Finney (
Date: Sun Apr 20 2003 - 19:35:17 MDT

  • Next message: Ramez Naam: "RE: specific amino acid restriction does the same thing as calorierestriction?" writes:

    > Bromelain: Is a proteolytic digestive enzyme that can enhance absorption
    > of protein. It also affects protein turnover

    It might help with digestion in some cases, although I don't think most
    people need help in that area. However bromelain is itself a protein
    and will be broken up in the digestive system just like all the others.
    Orally consumed bromelain will get into your body to do anything to
    protein turnover. As far as the rest of your system is concerned,
    it's just a source of amino acids like all other proteins.


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