Re: Arab World Stunned by Baghdad's Fall

From: Damien Sullivan (
Date: Sun Apr 13 2003 - 02:29:10 MDT

  • Next message: Alex Ramonsky: "Re: Homeschooling"

    On Sun, Apr 13, 2003 at 03:58:44AM -0400, wrote:

    > <<Well, it's not like we give money to lots of Egyptians.? We give money to
    > the Egyptian government and who knows what's done with it.>>
    > Like this is the American People's fault. Focus on the US State Department in
    > whom, the local consulates become advocacy societies, in every country except
    > Israel. The peeps still be ungrateful in Egypt land, and righteously p-o'd at
    > the US, and not just for supporting Israel.

    I'm completely lost as to what you're saying. From all I've heard, foreigners
    tend to not hate American people, just our foreign policy actions, which
    considering we're supposed to be a democracy is arguably giving us more credit
    than we deserve. You'd seemed to be accusing them of being ungrateful for the
    aid we give their gov't which they may or may not see. What I gather is that
    they see our gov't supporting their gov't as well as Israel, and have opinions
    based on that. Visiting Americans are another and friendlier thing.

    > <<Right, give weapons of mass destruction to rabid fundamentalists who think
    > your regime is an infidel secular abomination...>>
    > Yes, which is why the administration is moving on several fronts. According

    Surely you didn't miss my sarcasm...

    > to the latest news reports, the Israel government is offering to remove
    > settlements for peace. We'll shall see if this is an actual offer, or just
    > political flummery. Being sensibly pessimistic, lets not sell the pyramids

    "Remove some settlements for peace", which we've heard before, while they
    continue building a fence separating farmers from their lands. Very
    pessimistic, I'd say.

    -xx- Damien X-)

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