Re: [IRAQ] polls on the war

From: Damien Sullivan (
Date: Mon Mar 31 2003 - 21:58:46 MST

  • Next message: Mike Lorrey: "RE: [Iraq] More enthusiasm than news in Fox's coverage of war"

    On Mon, Mar 31, 2003 at 08:26:33PM -0800, Mike Lorrey wrote:

    > But back to the subject of this thread. Current polls show that 85% of
    > Americans feel the war is going well, and 78% support the war. 53%
    > accept the necessity of civilian casualties with 12% additional saying

    Polls vary then.

    Gallup poll says 70% support the war. Someone else (Kull) estimates 40% are
    strongly behind it, 40% going along with the President or patriotism. 10 days
    ago the number who thought it was going well plummeted from 53% to 34%. A
    majority think the risk of terrorism will rise after the war. Kull also found
    Illinois was more opposed to the war than California, to break one stereotype.
    (I wonder if that's related to the Democrats taking over Illinois for the
    first time in a long while.)

    > so only if it saves US soldier's lives (i.e. dealing with human
    > shields) for a total 65% support even with significant civilian
    > casualties. These figures presented by Democratic pollster Dick Morris

    Recently I posted a link to another poll which had Americans thinking the
    early statements by our leaders were too optimistic, expecting the war to go
    for months, and saying that 5000 US casualties or 5000 Iraqi casualties were
    too many.

    > (Clinton's top pollster/political consultant). Morris says Dems need to

    Didn't Dick Morris turn on Clinton?

    > come next fall, people will remember the likes of Howard Dean like they
    > now remember the names of GOP presidential candidates from the 1944

    Come next fall, I suspect people will be going "hey, where's my job?"

    -xx- Damien X-)

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