From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Mon Mar 31 2003 - 11:13:38 MST
John Grigg wrote:
> Hubert, pre-emptive attacks (or the threat of it) on tyrannical nations appears to be the new U.S. policy and I agree with it. Of course this does not apply so well with powerful possible enemies such as China or Russia. lol...
Really? Do you understand preemptive means before we have any
reason for war? You understand the likely repurcussions in
terms of ever more hate and distrust of the US? You understand
the elevation of likely terrorist actions and the implications
on freedom and privacy at home? You understand how with
increased secrecy within the US that nations can be painted with
targets and attacked with less and less real checks and balances
using your money and mine? How determines what "tyrannical" is?
In many ways the US government is "tyrannical" if you look at
it just so. Do you really honestly support unending war? If so
I simply do not understand how this is extropic.
> You make it sound like the vast population of the developed world is extremely against the U.S. overthrowing Saddam's murderous, raping regime. I don't buy into this. Anyway, Americans are used to bearing heavy burdens when the rest of the world cannot or will not do the right thing.
The vast majority is against preemptive war/invasion of Iraq and
believe it is utterly unnecessary for achieving the originally
stated goals of disarmament and that it is recklessly dangerous.
> And I do realize sometimes we do make mistakes, but if we play our cards right this will not be one of them. The U.S. (yes, and even European nations) will get the chance to create a major democracy right in the center of the Arab middle east. This could be the beginning of the road which leads to peace in the region! Now that is something to rejoice about.
We have already played the wrong card and stated our intention,
which you seem to report, to keep on playing it. I thought the
only way to "create a democracy" is for the people of the region
to choose and create it. There is no way I am aware of to
"create a democracy" from outside by force of arms.
- samantha
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