Re: IRAQ Reasons for War (was: RE: First Announcement of the Secretary of PUK...

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Mon Mar 31 2003 - 11:16:11 MST

  • Next message: Michael M. Butler: "Re: (MEDIA) More enthusiasm than news in Fox's coverage of war"

    Greg Burch wrote:
    > I'm going to butt in here.

    >> Could you please expand on that statement? As you
    >>imply the US also
    >>has some bright spots in its record as well as some bad
    >>places would you
    >>explicitly point out where our record is bright and shiny?
    > Samantha, please DON'T respond to this email. Ronh's and your views on
    > these subjects are well known. Holding up opposing slogans doesn't do
    > anybody on this list any good. Absolutely NOTHING positive can come of
    > this discussion.

    Actually I have no intention of responding as the record is
    pretty damn clear for anyone who takes time to explore it.
    However, I choose what to respond to and what not to. I do not
    appreciate preemptive meta-monitoring.

    - samantha

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