META: Greg Burch's request

From: gts (
Date: Mon Mar 31 2003 - 16:22:42 MST

  • Next message: Damien Sullivan: "Re: Nature of Ideology"

    Greg Burch wrote:

    > In situations where people's views are well known and are also well
    > known to be deeply opposed to the views of some other posters, it does
    > no good to simply carry on with the same discussion. My request is
    > aimed at both supporters and opponents of the war, and both to those
    > unhappy with American foreign and military policy and those who
    > approve of it.

    In other words, you're requesting that extropians with strong feelings about
    the war should just shut up and stop debating the subject that matters most
    to them at this key moment in history.

    I realize you're vice-president of the Extropy Institute, and I'm sure
    you're well-qualified for that position, but I'm sorry Greg; I cannot and
    will not support your view on this subject.

    My friendly advice to you as your would-be political consultant (take it or
    leave it) is to let matters be. If you don't want to read the messages on
    the extropian discussion list during this time of war then by all means
    don't. It's your choice.

    Your apparent attempt to be controlling is, in my would-be political
    consultant's view, despicable from an extropian perspective. It could
    ultimately lead to your demise.



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