Re: War with Iceland?

From: Lee Daniel Crocker (
Date: Mon Feb 17 2003 - 18:43:14 MST

  • Next message: Damien Broderick: "RE: War with Iceland?"

    > (Emlyn O'regan <>):
    > Why isn't the US going to war with Iceland, immediately? I don't think that
    > the doves on this list have provided any solid reasons for not going to war
    > with Iceland. And who is any of us to say what the terrible implications of
    > not going to war with Iceland might be? Iceland says it doesn't have any
    > WMD, but is there proof?
    > History very well may prove the peaceniks and commies to be just another
    > bunch of Chamberlains on this issue. I doubt that the US can afford to wait
    > and see on matters of potential massive aggression. Given that no one has
    > proven beyond doubt that preemptive, proactive defensive action against
    > Iceland is unjustified, is there any other moral course of action?

    Refresh my memory--when was it that Iceland lobbed SCUDs at Israel,
    and called the US "The Great Satan", and tried to assassinate our

    Lee Daniel Crocker <> <>
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