Re: nano & fractional quantum Hall

From: scerir (
Date: Tue Feb 04 2003 - 10:19:21 MST

  • Next message: Camp, Christopher: "RE: Time to ask yourself...."


    Ok, I asked a professional physicist and he told me:

    > Fractional charges and fractional quantum hall effect are related. The
    > original discovery of such phenomena were found in 2D conduction
    > whereby the charge carriers were transported across a microscopic
    > constriction. As one increases the potential difference across the
    > constriction, one sees a fractional increase in the current
    > corresponding to a multiple charge of e/3.
    > This observation doesn't mean that the fundamental charge is anything
    > less than e, or that the fundamental value of h is h/3. The fractional
    > quantities observed here is due to many-body effects. The collective
    > interactions of ALL the charges under reduced dimensions (2D instead
    > of the typical 3D) together conspire to produce this emergent
    > phenomena.
    > A.

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