Re: War arguments

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Mon Jan 20 2003 - 14:27:06 MST

John K Clark wrote:
> So, should America go to war with Iraq? I honestly don't know but I'll
> tell you one thing, of all the pro and con arguments I've read on this
> list the war arguments are far stronger. I can tell a no war message
> will be worthless as soon as I read a few key phrases like, what right
> do we have to... or how would we feel if... or we were just as bad
> when...or we helped Iraq by... or the people of Iraq should decide
> what... or North Korea is even worse and ... or anything that has the
> words "international law" in it.

Do you believe there is anything like "international law" or
that there should be? Do you believe that might makes right
between nations or is there some set of standards, whether you
call it "international law" or not, on which the actions of
nations in regards to one another should be judged?

The best reasons for not going to war are:
1) It will not make America any "safer" and could make the
international situation much more dangerous;

2) It will cost a large fortune when we are already economically

3) It will dirictly and indirectly result in the real deaths of
a guesstimated 100,000 - 1,000,000 people.

4) Iraq, even if it had everything we cannot prove it has, would
not be a serious enough threat to justify the above nor would
simple "regime change" remove any such threat;

5) The American people do not want this war and it will tear
hell out the already fragile respect for government and law (not
that they deserve much) if this war goes forward;

6) It will further inflame the Middle East and inflame the most
retrograde and anti-Western aspects of Islam worldwide.

In short, this proposed war gives little or no promise of real
gain and highly likely evil and dangerous consequences across
the board.

- samantha

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