War arguments

From: John K Clark (jonkc@att.net)
Date: Mon Jan 20 2003 - 01:41:24 MST

So, should America go to war with Iraq? I honestly don't know but I'll tell you one thing, of all the pro and con arguments I've read on this list the war arguments are far stronger. I can tell a no war message will be worthless as soon as I read a few key phrases like, what right do we have to... or how would we feel if... or we were just as bad when...or we helped Iraq by... or the people of Iraq should decide what... or North Korea is even worse and ... or anything that has the words "international law" in it. A friend of mine came up with the single worst reason for not going to war I have ever seen, he said it would be wrong to invade to stop Iraq from developing weapons of mass destruction because America in effect turned bacteria on its own people in the Tuskegee syphilis experiment. Granted that was a very dark chapter in American history but is it a reason to let Saddam develop bio-weapons? I think not. To me the ethical aspects of this question are clear, the world would be a better place if Saddam was dead no doubt about it, however the practical aspects are not clear because I'm not sure how difficult it will be to achieve that happy end. I'm not a dove, I'm not a hawk either, I'm more of a chicken.

    John K Clark jonkc@att.net

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