Re: War arguments

From: Lee Daniel Crocker (
Date: Mon Jan 20 2003 - 13:33:20 MST

> So, should America go to war with Iraq? I honestly don't know...
> I can tell a no-war message will be worthless as soon as I read a few
> key phrases like, what right do we have to... or how would we feel if...
> or we were just as bad when...or we helped Iraq by...

I, too, am still undecided on the issue, but there's a heuristic I'd
suggest for evaluating the worth of an anti-war argument, and that's
the poster's view of Afghanistan. I'm no hawk, but I'm also not a
pacifist, and I can't for a minute imagine a war more totally
justified and fabulously successful than ours in Afghanistan. An
illegitimate government knowingly harboring a criminal responsible
for a direct attack on the US was removed from power with minimal
collateral damage, and replaced with one more pro-freedom (though
certainly not as much so as we might like), and the organization
responsible for the attack was routed.

Those who wish to convince me that we should not attak Iraq (and
frankly I'm leaning toward that conclusion) must be able to tell me
exactly how Iraq differs from Afghanistan, and why those specific
differences justify the latter but not the former. The opinion of
peaceniks who would not have invaded Afghanistan either have
precisely zero weight with me.

Lee Daniel Crocker <> <>
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