Currently, the Nolan Chart is being most effectively promoted by the
Advocates for Self-Government as "The World's Smallest Political Quiz". You
can see it at their website:
They focus pretty exclusively on US politics. ISIL (
has a more global view, and then there's the Libertarian Alliance
( for readers in the UK.
At 9:28 AM 9/11/96, wrote:
>As an Extropian, the idea of ending life, even for the "most deserving", is
>disadvantageous for me. Innocent people have been convicted and killed.
>With this law still active, it is a threat for me and my Extropian
Personally, I agree with Davin on this. I recognize a right to
self-defense. Killing a human being who has already been secured in
handcuffs and leg-irons simply doesn't look like self-defense to me. It
looks like murder to me.
Eric Watt Forste <>