I guess some of you might find this interesting...
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Toward a Science of Consciousness "Tucson III"
April 27-May 2, 1998
The University of Arizona
Registration is now open for Toward a Science of Consciousness, an
international conference with representatives from psychology, philosophy,
neuroscience, cognitive science, anthropology, mathematics, physics,
medicine, computer science, arts and the humanities.
For more information, or to see the schedule of events and pre-conference
workshops, call 520-621-7724, or visit our Internet site at
Please distribute this message as appropriate. Thank you.
Jim Laukes
Consciousness Studies
University of Arizona Extended University
PO Box 210158, 888 North Euclid Avenue, Tucson AZ 85721-1058
Phone: 520-626-9061; Fax: 520-621-3269 <jlaukes@U.Arizona.EDU>