---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: Nicq MacDonald <namacdonald@stthomas.edu>
Reply-To: extropians@extropy.org
Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2000 08:37:18 -0800
>> > Let's see... the Greens support equal redistribution of wealth,
>> Theft and largess bestowed upon the thief's henchmen...
>Read another one of my postings- I worded this one wrong...
Rewording is irrelevant when it means the same thing. Telling people
what they can own and can't, what they can earn and can't, and
confiscating and redistributing the rest (evenly or unevenly) is nothing
but theft. You don't fool any of us by prettying up your words.
>> > an increase in localization and community self-reliance,
>> Balkanization...
>The end of corporate slavery.
Ah, so you will be confiscating industrial assets from businesses and
giving them to worker cooperatives. I see. Seig Heil, comrade.
>> > fighting for equal civil rights,
>> Those that they let you keep, anyway...
>Which ones would they take away, other than the right to destroy your
>man's standard of living and, perhaps, the right to carry firearms around?
As a captured Commissar confessed to a friend of mine who was in
military intelligence in Korea, "Once we got their guns, taking their
money was REAL easy."
Free market economics is not the zero sum game you socialists seem to
think it is. You're mindsets are stuck in the middle ages. Get with it.
>> > better regulated international trade,
>> Protective and punitive tariffs...
>The end to international labor abuses.
I.E.: Protect overpaid union jobs here by forcing other countries to
price their labor to eliminate the competetiveness of products imported
into the US. Well, its funny how gunboat politics seems quite alright if
your intentions are in the right place.
>> > the development of clean and sustainable sources of energy,
>> Which also happen to be expensive and unreliable...
>It's better than destroying the planet with our coal and oil use, which
>run out in half a century anyway...
Liar. Oil that is recoverable at today's market price we have in the
order of around 200 years worth. As the price escalates, more expensive
to recover reserves become commercially viable to recover. Stop thinking
with a stasist mindset.
>> > the promotion of mass transit and neighborhoods constructed
>> > for pedestrians instead of cars,
>> Via punishing taxes on automotive fuels...
>I have no beef with this one (of course, I'm a college student who
relies on
>public transportation, and for the three months out of the year that I do
>drive, I have a car that gets 36 MPG). I think that a 10-20 cent gas tax
>would be a very good idea.
How about a tax to recover the public medical costs of accidents
involving unsafe micro-vehicles that sacrifice safety features and solid
engineering in order to save energy.
over half of our current gas prices are already totally taxes. We don't
need more of your confiscation.
>> > a woman's right to reproductive choice,
>> How kind of them to give her this one, after taking away so many
>> others...
>Which others that I already don't think should be taken away?
Her right to defend herself adequately against violent criminals that
have been released upon society by your liberal legal ideas.
>> > the promotion of small scale organic agriculture
>> > over industrialized, chemical agriculture,
>> Expensive, bug infested food in short supply...
>It's better than dying of cancer, like I've seen several members of my
>family go due to the agricultural toxins infesting the upper midwest.
At what ages?
>> > Native American sovereignty,
>> A noble goal about 100 years too late...
>Better late than never.
Sure, let them build as many casinos with mafia money as they want...
>> > and waste reduction programs.
>> Ignoring, of course, the waste caused by gross interference with
>> markets.
>We're talking about trash, not economics.
Neither of which you seem to understand a bit of. Government regulation
causes excessive waste in both the public an private sectors. You would
not have so much waste from product packaging if it were not government
>> Nice dream- too bad the methods used tend to produce police states.
>We already live our lives oppressed by corporate interests... what
would the
>difference be?
A corporation cannot continue to survive if it shoots its customers.
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