"J. John Bloch" <jbloch@neosapiens.org> writes:
> I would say that tampering with the physical aspects of the human form would
> definitely be Transhumanist. I am not so sure about psychological aspects.
> What is it that defines us as individuals; our physical forms or our mental
> attributes? I can replace a hand with a robotic prosthesis and still not
> change my sense of self. But I don't believe that I could wipe out an aspect
> of my personality (in the case in question, your apparently-overactive
> libido) and still retain that awareness of "self".
> Note too that the process of changing patterns of thought and behavior
> through conscious means (counseling, meditation, whatever) is, in my point
> of view, the preferred way to modify behavior. That's because the process
> itself becomes a part of the individual's self-identity, and so the
> progression from Behavior 1 ("Thoughts of sex occur too frequently") to
> Behavior 2 ("Thoughts of sex occur when I choose for them to occur") is a
> natural progression in the personal growth of the individual.
So what is the different from getting a limbic implant which you gradually tune from "Libido = 584" to "Libido = 36"? It is still a conscious mean of change.
> I wouldn't suggest that you resign yourself to a completely hedonistic
> life-style of 24/7 orgies (although the idea does have its attractions!).
> But rather than taking the quick and easy "out" of chemically modifying your
> behavior, I'd suggest alternative routes. Just as your sex drive is part of
> your identity, make the modification process part of your identity.
> Meditation, counseling, even self-hypnosis could all bring your
> self-perceived problem under control. Transhumanists in general (myself
> included) do sometimes look for a technological answer to problems when
> other, more appropriate or effective, methods are available.
True. Taking a pill is much easier and cheaper (at least in terms of time and effort) than real metaprogramming. And making continuing change and self-determination part of oneself is a good heuristic.
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Anders Sandberg Towards Ascension! asa@nada.kth.se http://www.nada.kth.se/~asa/ GCS/M/S/O d++ -p+ c++++ !l u+ e++ m++ s+/+ n--- h+/* f+ g+ w++ t+ r+ !y