Obscure Humor

Hara Ra (harara@shamanics.com)
Tue, 23 Jun 1998 00:07:47 -0700

>At 12:21 AM 6/21/98 -0700, Hara Ra wrote:
>>The Ian-anity of discussing Ian-dentity makes me gnash my teeth.
> ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^
> IAN: Maybe if you managed to find a single example of
> free, or atomized, identity your tension would subside.
> Then again, personal puts downs are easier to come by.

| Hara Ra <harara@shamanics.com> |
| Box 8334 Santa Cruz, CA 95061 |
| |
| Death is for animals; |
| immortality for gods. |
| Technology is the means by |
| which we make the transition. |